Gay Alabama Lawmaker: Churches Are More Of A Threat Than Bathrooms

Alabama’s only openly gay lawmaker, Patricia Todd, has put in her $0.02 about the transgender bathroom issue.

She said that the fears around transgender people in bathrooms is totally unfounded. She said that your child is at a greater risk of predators when going to church or doing other activities that have kids in the care of other adults.

There was one case of a church youth minister molesting children in his “sex attic.” He had a special chamber in his house designed for molesting children. Are transgender people doing that in public restrooms? No.

Here is more of what Todd had to say on the topic:

“I know many of you can’t imagine a person feeling that he or she was born in the wrong body. But there are millions of people in every country around the world who do. I’ve witnessed so many friends struggle with the mainstream view of “male” and “female” and I’ve seen the emotional trauma, the isolation from friends, family, and society, and the pain this mainstream view inflicts on them.

“All of us express our gender identity and gender expression in different ways. There are hundreds of ways that a person expresses his or her gender identity. To think that are is only two ways is ignorant, narrow-minded, avoidant of the truth. People are not “Barbie/female” or “G.I.Joe/male”. Each individual is unique and therefore expresses every aspect of his or her uniqueness – including gender identity in myriad forms.”

Liberal America’s own Southern Pastor takes on the transgender topic. She emphasized how schools need to be following Title IX and not discriminating against students based on their gender identity.

There is also the Civil Rights Act stating that everyone is entitled to equal treatment. Also, “transgender” is a lot more than just a man in a dress like the Republicans want you to think. It is a person who doesn’t feel like they belong in the body they’ve been given.

This whole ordeal with transgender people in bathrooms is getting ridiculous. The governor of North Carolina is wanting to revisit the Civil Rights Act, so he can have segregated bathrooms even though transgender people are not preying on children.

I think it’s great that Todd is standing up for transgender people. Someone in the south needs to.

Here is Todd talking about her candidacy when she was running:

Featured image screengrab via YouTube.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog