George Zimmerman Gives Disgusting Interview Slamming The Parents Of His Murder Victim (VIDEO)

George Zimmerman, murderer and domestic violence perpetrator, decided to simply embrace his status as the most disgusting human being alive in an interview where he stressed the failings of the parents of his child victim, Trayvon Martin.

According to Zimmerman, the death of  Trayvon Martin was entirely the faults of his parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin. It was their poor parenting skills, and not Zimmerman’s racist assumption that a young, black man in a gated community must be a thief up to no good, that caused Trayvon’s death.

“‘It’s their duty to have an internal dialogue to see what they should have done better and what they should have done appropriately.'”

Zimmerman, who has no children and will never know what it is to be African American, didn’t seem to consider that his views on parenting and how to properly raise a teenage boy of color may not be well-received.

Surely being arrested twice for domestic violence and aggravated assault against one girlfriend, being arrested for assaulting a police officer, being arrested another time for pointing his gun at two young, black men in Ferguson while the city suffered fallout over the death of Michael Brown, another time for threatening his wife and elderly father, having a lost history of domestic violence, in fact, and murdering a teenage child doesn’t make Zimmerman any less an upstanding member of the racist community.

Trayvon Martin being out alone after dark and defending himself against a man chasing him through the neighborhood where his father was staying makes Trayvon a “thug” whose parents failed him, though. Nothing racist about that, right?

What advice would Zimmerman give his own parents for how very badly they failed to instill any moral compass in their own child, do you think?

In an even bigger twist of pure irony, Zimmerman stated that one of the reasons he felt that Martin’s parents were terrible at parenting was that they were “capitalizing” on their son’s death. The fame they’ve garnered as the parents of a dead child was surely their goal. They only had to trade the life of their child for it.

The real irony comes in when one remembers that Zimmerman collected large donations from his racist supporters after murdering a child, lied about those donations in court, and is now trying to sell his murder weapon to the highest bidder. Surely that doesn’t mean that Martin is “capitalizing” on the death of that same child, a child dead due to the direct actions of George Zimmerman himself, does it?

As to the sale of that weapon, Zimmerman may have finally been able to legitimately auction it off after his first attempt was hijacked and someone named Racist McShootface made an illegitimate (but hilarious) bid of $65 million in order to stop the auction. Now, Zimmerman may finally profit even more from his heinous act of violence as his new auction is up to $100,000 in bids.

“He added…that auctioning off the gun was what the forefathers would do, though he said he originally wanted to keep the weapon for his future children and grandchildren…Zimmerman rattled off numerous grievances he wanted to settle with funds from the gun sale, like countering Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s ‘antifirearm rhetoric.’ He said he also wanted to end the career of Angela Corey, the prosecutor who charged him with second-degree murder in Martin’s death.

During his interview, Zimmerman also said he would ‘fight’ the Black Lives Matter movement and compensate law-enforcement officers he said were affected by it. ‘They would know that George Zimmerman is going to step in and make them richer than they ever dreamed of being,’ he said.”

One has to wonder if he understands exactly how much money $100,000 really is.

For more on Zimmerman’s decision to auction off his murder weapon, see the video below:

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