NC Governor: Congress Should ‘Revisit The 1964 Civil Rights Act’ So We Can Have Segregated Bathrooms

It was bad enough when North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed the discriminatory “bathroom bill” known as HB2. Then he decided to file suit against the Justice Department because they dared to say they would enforce federal civil rights laws to assure that North Carolina repealed the hateful legislation. And then yesterday, McCrory went on CNN and suggested Congress look at the Civil Rights Act and change it so that discrimination in public restrooms would be perfect legal.

McCrory told CNN’s Jake Tapper:

“I think that this was an argument that we didn’t need to have. But this is an agenda by the far left. And for some reason, the national media is saying the far right brought this up. I had no interest in this subject.

“But the Justice Department is basically making a civil rights claim that every private sector employer in the U.S. and every university in the United States must have gender expression or gender identity bathroom choices for individuals.”

If you had no interest in the subject, Governor, then why did you sign the legislation that was passed by a GOP-controlled legislature? That’s what started this whole matter.

Tapper reminded McCrory that transgender children “have a very difficult time fitting in, they have very high suicide rates.” He added:

“What are you telling the teachers at schools in North Carolina where, say, a 12-year-old who identifies as a girl, though her birth certificate says boy, what do you tell teachers about her if she’s using the girl’s bathroom?”

McCrory maintained that the solution to the problem would be to “make special circumstances” and have a segregated bathroom for trans individuals. And he also attempted to blame the federal government once again:

“But now the Civil Right Division of the U.S. Justice Department has deemed those types of arrangements to be discriminatory.”

Then McCrory really went for the full crazy, suggesting this:

“I think there’s a time where the Republicans and the Democrats in this Congress need to revisit the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and revisit all these issues. Because these are complex issues and North Carolina for whatever reason politically has become the target by the left on this agenda.”

Gut the Civil Rights Act to accommodate a few bigots who want to impose their antiquated beliefs on everyone else in direct violation of the law? Thanks, Governor, but it’s so much easier to just toss you and your GOP cohorts out on your asses when you run for reelection.

Here’s the CNN interview with the completely clueless Governor of North Carolina:

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