151 Progressive Achievements Proving Liberalism Is A Gift From The Future (Video)

Everything is going to be okay.

We promise. Just take this amazing election season for instance. The Democrats have two stellar candidates vying gallantly for our party’s nomination: A woman with more political experience and prowess than any other presidential candidate in history, and a far Left Socialist who has ignited the passions of young people.

This alone is revolutionary. This is liberalism! Not to mention the not too distant rulings on Obamacare and Marriage Equality last summer. (Even before the death of Antonin Scalia.)

We also had “Black Lives Matter” becoming a national movement, the final negotiations of the Iran Deal, and the coming down of the Confederate Flag. Does this not more than prove we are truly soaring toward an even brighter Liberal future?

Yes, it does!

We are so close… and now we are even on the verge of our first female President of the United States of America: A Hillary Clinton Presidency. You see, we Progressives are the future… SO LET THERE BE LIGHT!

This rant is for all the amazing Liberals who have worked so tirelessly for equality as well as quality of life for ALL Americans. Humanity is winning. Liberalism will always be the cure. The Right is in retreat.

This is especially true for all our Blue Brothers and Sisters living in the Red States. Just think, now 8.7 million of them can keep the healthcare they deserve. The Lefties were finally able to explain to the Right and those in our Supreme Court, the only way our country can move forward is through inclusion, fairness and judicial clarity. Every one of us in every State, can now marry the person we love.

These are the kinds of things which send us toward our future of a brighter tomorrow. Keep up the good fight. We still have much work ahead of us in healing both our corroded planet and the corrupted mindsets still inhabiting her.

Just remember, no matter what the revisionist historians try to spit down your throat, Progressives have always won. Always!

Now I know it’s not been easy, and it has not always been this quick. But in the end WE ALWAYS WIN: Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Affordable Healthcare, Marriage Equality, Americans Disability Act, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion/Separation of Church & State, Right to Due Process, Freedom of the Press, Right to Organize & Protest — the list goes on and on. (An extensive list of Liberal Accomplishments is included below the “We Are From The Future” video at the bottom)

You see, our past has proven that Liberals have always been on the correct side of history – not the right side, the side that lifts, inspires, course corrects, heals, and recognizes what truly matters! The Right has always been proven wrong, because ideologically and fundamentally, they are working from a corrupted mindset.

It’s not their fault either — they have been skewed by sensationalism disguised as news, angry talking heads like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter spewing hate, bigotry and bile, and sociopathic politicians like Donald Trump pretending to be Patriots, but are in truth, nothing more than hollow-souled ‘Hatriots’.

Conservatives see these dark vessels of charismatic discord as Godly.

I know we have a difficult time empathizing with folks who are calibrated with such caustic natures, but as we are Liberals, we have built in mechanisms to do just that. Somehow, somewhere, something deep inside the brain of these beings on the Right got mis-wired; thus sparking a fractured and fraudulent perception of goodness, beauty, and love.

They are out of balance with an expanding universe — but the way they unfold thought, just like the fundamental religious fanatics, we hear so much about in the Middle East, is a universal archetype of what scary movies are made of. They are in the holiest truth, out of alignment with Jesus. They revise the meaning of his words to suit their discordance.

While we hear a song, they hear chaos. While we see a rainbow, they see a storm. While we feel compassion, they are not touched. We hug, they recoil.

It’s because they live in a fear of their own making.

They are afraid. And fear is very powerful. How many times have you been frozen in place because you were utterly terrified? It stops you dead in your tracks doesn’t it? Even the idea of moving a single muscle sends a shiver up your spine.

It’s the same thing with those on the Right. To these people, change is terrifying, because it makes them feel as if they are going to disappear. It’s a survival mechanism, kicking in erroneously because they think they’re going to die if they move forward. It’s no different than an on/off switch hung upside-down.

They really are not to blame — even they can’t help themselves.

These radicalized Christians on the Right have a very bad case of cognitive dissonance. It’s a simple misfiring of the mind due to being blind to that which is kind. And it causes a 180° turnabout from reality – that’s how powerful being afraid of something truly is.

It causes that person, that community, to cut not just their nose off, but fractures the psyche completely in half. This disfigurement is only visible from someone on the outside looking in. They cannot see this deformity themselves, that’s what makes the situation so sad and so disgusting. We need to love these people and show them through our compassion, empathy, and patience, what the real light looks like.


151 Achievements Of Liberalism Conservatives Seek To Destroy: (source: Addicting Info)
1. The 40-hour work week.
2. Weekends
3. Vacations
4. Women’s Voting Rights
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.
7. Public schools.
8. Child-labor laws.
9. The right to unionize
10. Health care benefits
11. National Parks
12. National Forests
13. Interstate Highway System
14. GI Bill
15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights
16. Marshall Plan
17. FDA
18. Direct election of Senators by the people.
19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws
20. Social Security
21. NASA
22. The Office of Congressional Ethics. Created in 2008.
23. The Internet
24. National Weather Service
25. Product Labeling/Truth in Advertising Laws
26. Rural Electrification/Tennessee Valley Authority
27. Morrill Land Grant Act
28. Public Universities
29. Bank Deposit Insurance
30. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
31. Consumer Product Safety Commission
32. Public Broadcasting/Educational Television
33. Americans With Disabilities Act
34. Family and Medical Leave Act
35. Environmental Protection Agency (Nixon at the advice of Liberals)
36. Clean Air Act
37. Clean Water Act
38. USDA
39. Public Libraries
40. Transcontinental Railroad and the rail system in general
41. Civilian Conservation Corps
42. Panama Canal
43. Hoover Dam
44. The Federal Reserve
45. Medicare
46. The United States Military
47. FBI
48. CIA
49. Local and state police departments
50. Fire Departments
51. Veterans Medical Care
52. Food Stamps
53. Federal Housing Administration
54. Extending Voting Rights to 18 year olds
55. Freedom of Speech
56. Freedom of Religion/Separation of Church and State
57. Right to Due Process
58. Freedom of The Press
59. Right to Organize and Protest
60. Pell Grants and other financial aid to students
61. Federal Aviation Administration/Airline safety regulations
62. The 13th Amendment
63. The 14th Amendment
64. The 15th Amendment
65. Unemployment benefits
66. Women’s Health Services
67. Smithsonian Institute
68. Head Start
69. Americorps
70. Mine Safety And Health Administration (This has been weakened by conservatives, resulting in recent mining disasters.)
71. Food Labeling
72. WIC
73. Peace Corps
74. United Nations
75. World Health Organization
76. Nuclear Treaties
77. Lincoln Tunnel
78. Sulfur emissions cap and trade to eliminate acid rain
79. Earned Income Tax Credit
80. The banning of lead in consumer products
81. National Institute of Health
82. Garbage pickup/clean streets
83. Banning of CFCs.
84. Erie Canal
85. Medicaid
86. TARP
87. Bail Out of the American Auto Industry
88. Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
89. Wildlife Protection
90. End of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
91. Established the basis for Universal Human Rights by writing the Declaration of Independence
92. Miranda Rights
93. Banning of torture
94. The right to a proper defense in court
95. An independent judiciary
96. The right to vote
97. Fair, open, and honest elections
98. The right to bear arms (Do you really think extreme right wingers would allow anybody besides themselves to have firearms if in power?)
99. Health care for children and pregnant women
100. A stable and strong government established by a Constitution
101. The founding of The United States of America
102. The defeat of the Nazis and victory in World War II
103. Paramedics
104. The Brady Handgun Act
105. The Glass-Steagall Act (It has since been repealed and we’ve been paying the price for it.)
106. Oil industry regulations (The Gulf paid the price after conservatives tore many of these regulations down. Liberalism kept them afloat)
107. The Affordable Care Act which makes insurance companies more honest and fair.
108. Woman’s Right to Choose
109. Title IX
110. Affirmative Action
111. A National Currency
112. National Science Foundation
113. Weights and measures standards
114. Vehicle Safety Standards
115. NATO
116. The income tax and power to tax in general, which have been used to pay for much of this list.
117. 911 Emergency system
118. Tsunami, hurricane, tornado, and earthquake warning systems
119. Public Transportation
120. The Freedom of Information Act
121. Emancipation Proclamation, which ended slavery
122. Antitrust legislation which prevents corporate monopolies (These laws have been savaged by conservatives, which is why corporations are getting huger and competition is disappearing leading to less jobs and high prices.)
123. Water Treatment Centers and sewage systems
124. The Meat Inspection Act
125. The Pure Food And Drug Act
126. The Bretton Woods system
127. International Monetary Fund
128. SEC, which regulates Wall Street. (Conservatives have weakened this regulatory body, resulting in the current recession.)
129. National Endowment for the Arts
130. Campaign finance laws (Conservatives have gutted these laws, leading to corporate takeovers of elections. The power of liberalism has kept them in check)
131. Federal Crop Insurance
132. United States Housing Authority
133. Soil Conservation
134. School Lunch Act
135. Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act
136. Vaccination Assistance Act
137. Over the course of nearly 50 years, liberals contributed greatly to the eventual end of the Cold War.
138. The creation of counterinsurgency forces such as the Navy Seals and Green Berets.
139. Voting Rights Act, which ended poll taxes, literacy tests, and other voter qualification tests.
140. Civil Rights Act of 1968
141. Job Corps
142. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
143. Teacher Corps
144. National Endowment for the Humanities
145. Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966
146. National Trails System Act of 1968
147. U.S. Postal Service
148. Title X
149. Kept the Union together through the Civil War and rebuilt the South afterwards.
150. Modern Civilization.
151. Marriage Equality

FI. YouTube screen grab “We Are The Future

Just another Progressive button pusher causing the Right mucho butt-hurt and panic. Cognitive dissonance is sad. I'm here to make you happy... whether you like it or not.