Glenn Beck Knows What God Has In Store For America (Video)

It seems that Glenn Beck got a little teary-eyed talking about Ted Cruz leaving the presidential race. He believes that God raised Ted Cruz to make us choose between good and evil. God was also dragging out the primary to have people be on the record choosing between good and evil.

He also had some funny things to say about Donald Trump. He called ‘The Donald’ an “orange raccoon.” Beck even crushed Cheetos on his face to mock Trump’s orangeness.

Beck says that America has become a petulant child. We have also been scolded over, but now God is going to punish us. Beck said:

“Tuesday changed the course of the world, [and now] when we lose [freedom] here…everyone will be called to account by God because we were born at this time, in this country because every one of us are warriors.”

Beck has also said that Donald Trump’s campaign makes the Republican party racist, and he’s right. This may make him seem sane, but he is really crazy cakes.

In February, he said God murdered Antonin Scalia to get Ted Cruz into the White House. He said that the death of Scalia would help his candidate win.

He also called John Kasich a nasty name for staying in the race by saying:

“Kasich, I mean, excuse my language, but, you son of a bitch, the republic is at stake. This is not like a normal race. The republic is at stake.”

Here is what he had to say about Trump:

“Donald Trump is the face of the GOP. Well that makes us crony capitalists, it makes us wafflers, it makes us pretty racist. It makes us big government guys. You name it, it makes us that. Well, I’m none of those things. And so I can’t say, ‘well, these are my friends,’ because that’s my future. I won’t tolerate it. I don’t want my children to look at that man and say, ‘Yeah, he’s my president.’ I won’t have that. I will not endorse it. I will not tolerate it.”

Let’s hope Beck will just get off of the radio if he’s not happy about his party.

Featured image via Video.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog