WATCH: School’s Father-Daughter Dance Cancelled For Surprising Reason

An elementary school in Columbia, South Carolina has cancelled their traditional Father-Daughter Dance this year. They have had this dance every year for five years and used it to raise funds for the “Parent Teacher Organization” (PTO).

A few parents complained that the dance was not inclusive, so they cancelled the whole thing and refunded the money. I’m all for being inclusive to all groups, but this goes a little too far. The flyer even said that anyone is allowed at the dance. I don’t know about this school, but many schools are hurting for funds.

The School District Communications Director, Karen York, said:

“There were a few parents that did not think the father-daughter dance was inclusive, when actually, it was at all times. It was never an event that was exclusive to only fathers and daughters. Mothers and anyone else who wanted to show up at the dance were certainly welcome to attend.”

School officials said that they may still hold the dance, but under a different name. Some parents who are upset at the cancellation are working on having their own dance on the date on which the original one was planned.

Maybe they should just have a child/parent dance. Maybe they could call it the family dance or something similar. They can still have the fundraiser and compromise with those parents that complained. There are less than ten parents in that group.

York also said:

“Right now, the principal is in communication with those parents that raised concerns about the father-daughter dance, as well as the vast majority of the other parents at the school.”

The school is called Brentwood, so maybe they should rename it the Brentwood Ball. That name even flows better. This is a fundraiser dance for children, we don’t need to get quite so uptight about the name of it.

Featured image via YouTube.

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