Twitter Users Offer Creationist Nutjob Ken Ham Brilliant Slogans For New Museum

There is a special feeling of hatred that I reserve for certain people. Folks who have oodles of unacknowledged privilege, and use that privilege to promote ignorance and hatred towards vulnerable people, often in the name of their religion. Ken Ham is one of those people. His insistence upon layers-upon-layers of willful ignorance being taught as truth to children. His insistence that homeless LGBT teens need “hellfire and brimstone” speeches instead of food and shelter. His Bible theme park museum is spewing such dangerous misinformation and anti-science that it made a paleontologist cry.

But, according to Ham, I’m just an angry atheist:

Well, Mr Ham certainly is the expert on blind religious faith.

And now his newest venture: The Ark Encounter in Kentucky. It has cost tens of millions of dollars, with millions coming directly from Kentucky taxpayers, not to mention the for-profit Bible theme park’s tax-exempt status.

In honor of the Ark Encounter opening, Twitter users have stepped up to help Ken Ham come up with a pithy yet accurate slogan.

Sounds about right to me!

Also, forget about all the modern heavy equipment used to build the ark. It’s not like the Ark Encounter can be expected to be authentic in their methods and equipment, or anything.

And you can be sure he’ll be represented as white, like all of the Garden of Eden residents in Ken Ham’s Creationist “museum.”

“And why would we want to bother building a homeless shelter anyway? Then we’d have to serve homeless LGBT folks. It’s much better to build a Bible theme park, then we don’t even have to hire LGBT folks!”

Sums it up perfectly.

So there you have it, Ark Encounter marketing team: surely one of those will strike just the right note, combining the ignorance that you are hoping to cultivate along with the cognitive dissonance of your blind religious fervor.

Featured image is a screengrab via YouTube.