WATCH: Megyn Kelly Says She Received Death Threats After Trump Attacked Her

In an interview with CBS News correspondent Charlie Rose, Megyn Kelly said she received numerous death threats in the weeks and months after Donald Trump attacked her in the media for her tough questioning of the GOP front-runner during the first GOP debate.

Kelly also told Rose that such threats against her and her family can be laid at the feet of Trump:

“It’s not so much what he writes or says, it’s how he gins up anger among so many, so it manifests in my life in several ways.”

Even now, the Fox News host said she still worries that:

“Someone’s gonna hurt me in the presence of my children.”

When asked about her Fox News colleague, Bill O’Reilly, who has featured Trump on his show many times and let Trump go on ad nauseam about Kelly, she had this to say:

“I wish he had defended me more…I think Bill did the best he’s capable of doing in those circumstances.”

Actually, no he didn’t. O’Reilly could have easily told Trump that he was full of crap and that saying such things about a female reporter he happens to disagree with are way over the line and prove what a misogynistic piece of human excrement he is and always will be. But Bill didn’t want to upset the Donald and be cast into the outer reaches by the predatory real estate mogul with the dead animal on his head.

Fox News and Megyn Kelly can, at least in part, thank themselves for creating Donald Trump. That he has turned on them from time to time only proves what the rest of us have known for a very long time: Trump is unstable and vindictive, a monster who must be defeated and destroyed.

Watch Megyn Kelly’s comments to Charlie Rose:

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