Right Wing Women Want Trump To Tell Lewandowski, ‘You’re Fired!’

Sixteen well-known conservative women have come together to blast Donald Trump for refusing to fire thuggish campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. Their open letter to Trump also hints that his “woman problem” just got even worse.

A recent NBC/WSJ poll found that 47% of Republican women can’t see themselves voting for Trump. His approval rate among all women was a pathetic 21%. That was before Lewandowski was charged with battery of reporter Michelle Fields. That was also before Trump laughably accused her of threatening him with her pen.

Each of the women who signed the open letter is a media figure. The group tore into Trump’s treatment of Fields and demanded he fire Lewandowski:

“The press is to have an adversarial yet simple approach to those in, Or running, for elected office. Never in this line of work is it acceptable to respond to reasonable and legitimate questioning with use of physical force. The photographs, audio, videos, and witness accounts documenting the treatment of Michelle Fields by Cory Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, are inexcusable and unprofessional. Donald Trump should immediately remove Lewandowski from his campaign. The Trump campaign has stated that Lewandowski will not be fired even if convicted, however unlike the Trump campaign, we believe in making a statement on the record to clearly highlight the difference between right and wrong.”

The letter was signed by Meghan McCain, S.E. Cupp, Dana Loesch and Katie Pavlich, among others.

Last night, Loesch and Pavlich appeared on Fox News to discuss the letter. Host Megyn Kelly noted that Lewandowski had also “threatened yours truly” if she dared to ask tough questions about Trump. “Is it time for Mr. Trump to do something about Mr. Lewandowski?” Kelly pointedly asked a Trump supporter.

Even though Kelly’s name was not on the letter, it was clearly there in spirit.

You can watch that discussion below.

Image via screen grab from YouTube video.

Ellen Brodsky is a long time blogger for NewsHounds.us and a contributor to Crooks and Liars. She has also worked as a researcher for Brave New Films' landmark documentary, "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" and "Iraq for Sale."