Rape and Railways: Refugees Expose German Law

Fearing the arrival of Middle Eastern refugees into one’s own country has become common in western civilization, perpetuating the hopelessness of those no longer with a country to call their own.

On New Year’s Eve, dozens of men were arrested for participating in abhorrent sexual acts and theft towards women at the train station in Cologne. Of the 58 arrested, only three have ties to Iraq or Syria. The vast majority were of Northern African descent and were not new to the country.

Events like these have only emboldened far right extremists and ultra conservative Christian groups. Pegida is one such group who has taken to the streets of Germany to protest the ‘Islamization of Europe.’ Their xenophobic and racist message is clear; any event that can be used to cast away Muslims or those of Middle Eastern descent will be utilized as such.

News recently broke of a rail company in Germany to start offering women-only cars that accompany women and children under employed supervision. These types of precautions are rarely if at all present in European countries. However, they can be found in places like Egypt and India.

Unsurprisingly, the company released a statement that this decision had nothing to do with the refugee crisis or the events on New Year’s Eve. A quick glance tells a different story. If these types of procedures are only regularly operated in countries with occupants of darker complexion, how do you suppose the German population will view it?

Additionally, taking these steps can be interpreted as insulting and condescending towards both men and women. It’s an operation that papers over the cracks of a real issue rather than attempting to solve it.

Image via Flickr by anton dieter, available under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

The real problem arises when it is seen how the institutions of Germany have legitimized rape culture through legislation. The events in Cologne could be seen as a situation that doesn’t even require lawful action. In regards to sexual harassment, German men don’t need consent for a wide array of actions. German women are responsible for showing a very strong resistance to a man’s approach, essentially blaming women for their own harassment and rape.

The actions in Cologne on New Year’s Eve should be condemned; however, the legislation that condones this activity should also be addressed. The narrative of the foreign sexual predator to turn the general public against outsiders is appalling, especially when these activities have already been legitimized by that nation’s laws.

It’s time to put down the misguided railway proposals and focus on policies that preach the heinous nature of rape culture. A quick look in the mirror may provide Germany with all the answers they need.

Image via Flickr by Alex Naud available under a Creative Commons Attribution license.