Trump Supporter Confronts Fellow Guest On CNN, ‘Cruz Has Had Five Affairs…Including You!’

A CNN segment featuring a Trump supporter and a former Ted Cruz communications director, Amanda Carpenter, went totally awry today when a political debate over the fued between Trump and Cruz turned into sex scandal allegations against fellow guest, Carpenter.

CNN’s Kate Bolduan was hosting a segment on the feud between Trump and Ted Cruz. ‘Are you ready for Trump to move on?’ she asked Boston Herald columnist Adriana Cohen.

‘Oh, absolutely I think we should move on,’ she responded. ‘Where we should move to is The National Enquirer story that has reported that has Ted Cruz has had affairs with five mistresses, including you’ve been named as well, Amanda.’

Bouldaun tried to redirect Cohen, but she pressed on.

“‘If we’re going call Donald Trump’s character into question, I would like Ted Cruz to issue a statement whether or not the National Enquirer story is true, that he has had affairs with many women, including you were named, Amanda,’ Cohen repeated. ‘Will you denounce this story or will you confirm it?'”

Carpenter denied the accusation and attempted to scold Cohen and all of the Trump supporters that, she believes, have spread the stories.

“‘What’s out there is tabloid trash. If someone wants to comment on it, they can talk to my lawyer,’ she responded.

”It’s categorically false,’ she continued angrily. “’You should be ashamed for spreading this smut. Donald Trump supporters should be held to account for it.'”

Both Carpenter and Bouldan noted that the stories were being reported by tabloid publication The National Enquirer and insisted that this destroyed the credibility of the stories, but a reporter from The Washington Times stated today that he could confirm at least two of the affairs being reported.

It was Anonymous who first intimated that they had proof of Ted Cruz’s infidelities with prostitutes, which correlates with The National Enquirer’s reports that one of the five affairs they’ve uncovered was with a prostitute.

The rumors about Cruz and Amanda Carpenter may or may not be true, but something is definitely brewing under the surface of these rumors. Has the evangelical Christian’s choice for President of the United States seen the beginning of the end of his campaign? We’ll have to wait and see.

See video of the heated exchange below:

Trump Supporter Derails CNN Segment by Accusing Fellow Guest of Having an Affair With Ted Cruz

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