Harry Reid Tells The GOP: Don’t Pretend To Be Shocked, You Created Trump (Video)

Isn’t it fun to watch as the Republicans try to figure out a way to deal with the Donald Trump phenomenon? One minute they’re saying they will defeat him at a contested convention in July, and the next they say they might start a third party–a “real” Republican party–to compete against him. But on one matter they are in full agreement: We cannot understand where this guy came from.

Well, here’s some education for you, GOPers, directly from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid: Your party created Donald Trump. No need pretending to be mystified by his sudden rise. He was birthed of the fetid womb of the Republican party.

Speaking to the Center for American Progress, Reid remarked:

“The Republican establishment acts bewildered. But they shouldn’t. As much as they may try to distance themselves from Trump now, Republican leaders are responsible for his rise.”

Then Reid called out the entire GOP, attributing Trump to their own racist policies which they have used to divide Americans for decades:

“When Trump calls immigrants rapists and murderers, he’s just doing what he’s learned from generations of conservatives. The Republican Party has become the party of Trump.”

It certainly has, and they need not wonder where Frankenstein Trump came from. They created him in their own laboratory, and now they realize far too late that they can never hope regain control of him.

Watch Senator Reid Speaking to the Center for American Progress: