Republican State Receives Initial Approval to Ban Dangerous Gay Conversion Therapy

A bill to ban what has become known as gay conversion therapy for LGBT youth has received initial approval in the Colorado House.

The Republican-led State is expected to attempt to block the bill the same way that they have done in the past however bill sponsor Paul Rosenthal states:

“I will bring this bill as many times as necessary to really make sure we protect the children of Colorado.”

Rosenthal refers to the public’s concerns over the damage that gay conversion therapy has on minors and the evidence that it can lead to depression and even suicide in LGBT youth.

Rosenthal points out that there are “therapists and mental health professionals licensed by the state of Colorado who are harming children,” in their attempt to convert LGBT youth into people that they are not.

Rosenthal questions:

“Why should we condemn an individual to a lifetime of guilt and shame?”

A handful of other states including California and New Jersey have already recognized the damage that gay conversion therapy has on minors and approval on similar bans have been received. It is now predicted that the legislative battle in Colorado will have a knock on effect with other states exploring whether or not they should ban the harmful therapy.

However Colorado Republicans and religious groups are set against the ban and remain adamant that gay conversion therapy can be useful.

If the bill is successfully beaten, licensed professionals will still be able to subject LGBT youth to an outdated methodology that evidence suggests can often result in a long term negative impact on minor’s mental health.

Republican Kathleen Conti, who has previously compared being gay to alcoholism, has spoken out about why she believes the proposed ban should not receive approval.

Conti claimed that some homosexuals do not want same sex attractions and may wish to “follow a different path in their life” and stated:

“They have a right, whether they’re a minor or an adult, to pursue their happiness.”

Conti also claimed that, although she is not homophobic, those individuals who are backing the bill proposing the end of gay conversion therapy are “heterophobic” due to their desire to prevent LGBT youth from living the heterosexual lives that they seek.

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Natasha is a freelance writer, feminist, and coffee addict based in the UK. She has a Master's degree in Literary Studies and specialised in Gender Studies throughout her time at University. She spends her free time collecting tattoos and dying her hair bizarre colours, much to her girlfriend's dismay.