Screw Fossil Fuels: Alaskan Island Runs On 100% Renewable Energy

Alaska’s harsh and unforgiving climate makes it a challenge to survive, and even more so to evolve. Yet, Alaska’s Kodiak Island has embraced evolution to become the torchbearers of renewable energy. Their success story is both remarkable and inspiring.

For an off-shore settlement in a remote location, generating energy was a persistent challenge. Kodiak Island initially relied on diesel to generate electricity.

Kodiak Electric Association (KEA) set a goal of producing 95 percent of the community’s electrical needs with renewable energy by 2020. Astonishingly, they reached the milestone way ahead of time, and currently are capable of producing 99.7% electricity with the wind and hydroelectric projects.

Image by Andrew Petersen, available under a Creative Commons 2.0 license.
Image by Andrew Petersen, available under a Creative Commons 2.0 license.

After embracing the notion of renewable energy, KEA received $16 million in grant money from a fund created by Alaska Energy Authority in 2008. This was followed by a whopping fund of $39.6 million from Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs) that allowed KEA a near-zero-interest loan for the project.

Kodiak Island installed three wind turbines in 2009. Their success subsequently resulted in the addition of three more 1.5 MW wind turbines in the wind farm, thus doubling output.

As of today, 14% of energy is generated by the wind turbines, and the rest comes from the hydropower plant. The KEA is also in the process of installing a brand new 2 MW electric crane that will operate on the island’s busy port.

Installing the wind power created various benefits to the community. Apart from increasing employment and encouraging clean energy, the carbon dioxide emission of Kodiak Island was reduced by 62 million pounds per year.

The lack of diesel consumption in the local market has managed to bring down the fuel’s price. Known for its seafood, especially salmon, local fisheries are cashing in on the renewable energy source. “Renewable energy” is the new buzzword in advertizing, so Kodiak fisheries take full advantage of that trend.

Kodiak Island has managed to embrace new and emerging technologies, giving the world a glimpse of a cleaner and sustainable environment we can all flourish in.