Dogs In Flint, Michigan Now Testing Positive For Lead Toxicity


The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is not only affecting the health of residents in that city, but also threatens to poison their pets.

Two cases of lead poisoning have been reported in Genessee County, according to Dr. James Averill, the Michigan state veterinarian. One of the dogs was a stray, the other a beloved household pet. The symptoms of lead toxicity in canines are malaise, arthritis, and mental dullness.

Can you imagine, if you’re a pet owner, giving your dog water and then later discovering that the water has now permanently impacted the long-term health of your cherished friend? Children have also been subjected to high levels of lead and will never be able to overcome the negative health impact.

Yet despite all of this, and despite Michigan Governor Rick Snyder trying to pretend this entire situation is not his fault, it could have been prevented, and the cost would not have been more than $100 per day over the course of 90 days. But Snyder and his political allies were far too busy doling out huge tax cuts to big business in their state so they could repay the campaign contributions they received.

I have said this before and will repeat it: Rick Snyder and anyone else who played even the smallest role in this tragedy should be taken before a grand jury, indicted, and sent to prison for a very long time. Snyder and his flunkies have poisoned the drinking water in a large American city. This is not just criminal negligence, it is a form of economic terrorism against the residents of Flint.

Rick Snyder does not have the shame or the guts to resign, which he should have done when this matter first came to light. Since he has not,  he should be recalled and then prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Featured Image Via YourDog