Ted Cruz To Exorcism Hecklers: ‘Usually Lefties Don’t Believe In God’

Ted Cruz is known for spouting his deep religious beliefs. Cruz has even garnered the support of some nefarious religious extremists such as the New Apostolic Reformation. While most likely he truly believes these things, some could think that he is actually possessed. So with Cruz wearing his extreme homophobic beliefs on his sleeve, two hecklers recently tried to perform an exorcism on Cruz during a speech in New Hampshire.

Image via Twitter
Image via Twitter

In the video, one of the men can be seen holding a mirror and cross yelling:

“Ted Cruz, look in the mirror and let the evil spirit leave, leave your power-hungry demonic soul.”

While this alone would be humorous, Cruz’s response seemed a little hateful to say the least. As the hecklers were being removed, Cruz told the crowd:

“A very nice young man, a very confused fellow. Apparently the Bernie Sanders campaign. You know I’m curious… you know the very odd thing, usually lefties don’t believe in God.”

Well Cruz, maybe, just maybe, “lefties” actually understand the concept of separation of church and state. As for the hecklers, The Huffington Post reports that:

“The Washington Post’s reporter Dave Weigel noticed that one of the protesters looked very much like the man who recently interrupted a Donald Trump event to call the candidate “boring.”

Also in the piece by The Huffington Post, they point out that the hecklers look surprisingly like the “guerilla comedy” team The Good Liars. You can be the judge on this one. Here is the comedy team’s Facebook profile picture:

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

Now, here is a tweet from the Dallas Morning News of the hecklers right after they were removed.

Image via Twitter
Image via Twitter

Either way, I am for anything that calls out Cruz as the Christian-extremist panderer that he is. Lastly, good job guys for showing the lack of integrity by someone wanting to be president. A president should also believe in helping “lefties” that don’t believe in God as well as religious nut-jobs.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbssHoruLI4&w=853&h=480]

Kristie is 22-years-old and resides in Nashville, TN. While reading is a passion, she also has a passion for writing. Reporting on social issues such as LGBT rights, racial injustices, and religious intolerance, she also has a vested interest in the current political climate in America.