So, You Think Public Nursing Is Appalling…

When it comes to the debate over whether or not public nursing should be allowed, there really aren’t many statistics that can be utilized to make either side of the argument. Well, aside from the fact that public nursing is legal in 49 states. This controversy is essentially anecdotal and because of that, it is probably best to use anecdotal arguments to make the point.

public nursing breastfeeding controversy
Photo by OrbiliusMagister, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.

If the reason for backlash against public nursing is because female breasts have been sexualized, as many have stated, I suppose an exercise in logic is necessary.

Hands are sexualized. There is, after all, such a thing as “hand stuff.” When out with kids, would any parent make a child turn away or accost a teenager from the premises or demand a person leave when their hands come into view? I guess we should not allow exposed hands in public.

Mouths are sexualized. A fair amount of foreplay involves mouths in some way. Maybe we should cover our mouths in public?

Podophilia is one of the more common sexual fetishes. Sometimes a pretty set of toes is all one really needs. Should we make it mandatory that everyone everywhere has to wear closed-toed shoes?

This is the fallacious nature of using the argument that female breasts are sexualized as means to justify a woman either covering herself or refusing to nurse in public.

Another way of looking at the arguments against public nursing is to consider the hypocritical aspect of the position.

A woman feeding her child from her breast on a train is disgusting, apparently, but using breasts for marketing is totally fine. It is perfectly acceptable for Carl’s Jr. to use Charlotte McKinney’s chest to sell me a cheeseburger. There is essentially no revulsion to video game developers creating women with anatomically-exaggerated features as to invade many a gamer’s wet dream.

Does anyone else see a problem here?

Robert could go on about how he was raised by honey badgers in the Texas Hill Country, or how he was elected to the Texas state legislature as a 19-year-old wunderkind, or how he won 219 consecutive games of Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots against Hugh Grant, but those would be lies. However, Robert does hail from Lewisville, Texas, having been transplanted from Fort Worth at a young age. Robert is a college student and focuses his studies on philosophical dilemmas involving morality, which he feels makes him very qualified to write about politicians. Reading the Bible turned Robert into an atheist, a combative disposition toward greed turned him into a humanist, and the fact he has not lost a game of Madden football in over a decade means you can call him "Zeus." If you would like to be his friend, you can send him a Facebook request or follow his ramblings on Twitter. For additional content that may not make it to Liberal America, Robert's internet tavern, The Zephyr Lounge, is always open