Fox News Focus Group Whines About Being Called Racists For Saying Racist Stuff (VIDEO)

According to Fox News poll guru, Frank Luntz, white voters in South Carolina are sick and tired of people “labeling” them for “speaking the truth.”

Luntz sought to find out why South Carolina voters were “mad as hell.” But instead of discussing topics like stagnant wages, student loan debt, college costs, or health care, the group focused on Donald Trumps favorite topic — white grievance.

One man complained that the U.S. spent more on refugees and immigrants than veterans care.

Obamacare was an attractive target. One woman claimed that health care in America “is going straight down the toilet” and “We can’t convince doctors to treat patients.” One man claimed that he “got laid off because of ObamaCare and it’s not fair.”

But the racist pity party got started after a panelist said this:

 “What bothers me the most in this country is that you can’t even speak the truth any more or else you’ll be called a racist or a bigot or any other thing.”

After that, the floodgates opened.

Luntz asked other panelists if they agreed, the question drew nearly universal applause.

“So, political correctness, does that bother you?” Luntz asked

One lady replied, “It bothers me very much.”

“Because…” Luntz probed.

“Because I have a right to my opinion without being labeled something. I mean, it’s ridiculous,” she said

A panelist referred to it as “reverse discrimination.”

Another lady added:

 “Anyone who says anything has to watch everything they say and you can’t label a spade a spade. Everyone is afraid to talk.”

Someone else opined:

“What it really boils down for me is, the cultural change. I could have never imagined that in eight years of my country, I could have seen such a huge cultural change. …It’s an overwhelming umbrella of everything. It goes to how we treat our veterans, how we treat our older people, it’s a culture change, how we’re educating our children or not educating our children, how we have to treat one another.”

During the segment, several panelists expressed their desire to see President Obama impeached. However, it’s clear that these gentle souls are not racists, they just pine for a simpler time when America was “great” and all was white…I mean right, with the world.

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h/t News Hound Ellen