Baby Yoga: Is It Child Cruelty?

Baby yoga – it’s a thing. Really. I heard about it and, of course, had to watch the video. Well, I tried to watch the video got half way through and had to turn it off. Mainly because my partner and mother of our lovely child made me! It was hard to watch. Laura (my other half) said she was worried the FBI were going to burst through the door.

Yoga is the eastern art of stretching your body to represent many natural/godlike things. Stances are described as things like The Sunrise, The Warrior, The Tree etc. The theme with these positions/stretches is generally that you have to be pretty flexible. I thought this is weird thing for babies to be doing. Sure it worked wonders for Ginger Spice and Jennifer Anniston but they are post pubescent ladies, not supple, young, stretchy babies.

With that in mind, I was skeptical as to what baby yoga would look like. It was appalling. Laura described it as child abuse and it was hard to argue with her. Babies are tossed in the air like they are taking part in ice dancing. Swung by their arms like they are chimpanzees and generally treated like a piece of dough in a pizzaria.

Take a look at the video below. It’s unbelievable what these babies are being put through and it’s not like they are giggling and gurgling through the ordeal. They are crying. The woman performing it justifies it as being good for muscular and skeletal issues and encouraging dynamic play. But even as a pretty open minded guy I felt a tiny bit ill just watching it.

Featured Image is a screen shot from the video.

i'm a family man and i'm incredibly proud of my two children: Lacey and Eddison and my "step kids" Harry and Alex. I want them to be raised with an attitude that they can't fail if they don't give up and that's how I feel about my writing having been rejected for an MA in creative writing due to my portfolio, i'm now more determined than ever to make a career from writing. So please, read my blog, comment, feedback, follow me on twitter, follow me on Facebook, follow me back to my home if the mood takes you. But, please support a young man from humble beginnings trying to live his dream!