Did Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul Help Arm ISIS?

Is Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex) helping Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)? What about Senator Rand Paul (R-Ken.)? Although both Republican presidential candidates talk a strong “we’ve got to stomp out ISIS” game, their votes don’t appear to back up their bark.

At least that’s how Senator Lindsey Graham (R-N. Car.) seems to interpret their records. Though on second thought, if you take a good long look at both Senators Cruz and Paul’s voting records, it really isn’t difficult to understand why he feels that way.

Continuing To Arm ISIS With One Vote

In an interview on RealClearRadio’s weekly show on the POTUS channel on Sirius XM with Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon. Graham said Ted Cruz has:

Done more to allow ISIL to gain a food hold in Syria than any senator other than Rand Paul.”

Looking at one specific vote, it looks for all the world like Senators Cruz and Paul might just have fallen on the wrong side of treason.

In the game of “I don’t care what you do as long as you don’t take my gun that lets me make bacon,” Senator Cruz is probably the most vocal of players.

Both Senators Cruz and Paul helped prove they cared more about their own guns than stopping ISIS when they and other Republicans voted to stop the U.S. from entering the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

This is the same arms treaty that would have slowed or even stopped illegal arms from being diverted to ISIS and other terror groups.

Who cares about ISIS getting guns when the U.S. might take Sen. Cruz’ guns away, stopping him from making Machine Gun Bacon?

Ted Cruz Machine Gun Bacon
Senator Ted Cruz’s Machine Gun Bacon Screenshot via YouTube.com

The U.N. General Assembly members adopted the treaty in April of 2013, and Secretary of State John Kerry signed it in September, according to CSN News, but when it went into effect December 24, 2014, it didn’t matter because the U.S. isn’t bound by it without ratification.

Only three countries voted against the treaty. You guessed it – Syria, Iran and North Korea – the same countries now benefiting from the U.S. not ratifying it.

Boy… It sure is real lucky for Syria, Iran, and North Korea to have had Senators Cruz and Paul on their side to stop the U.S. from stopping the flow of illegal arms into their countries.

Other Ways They’ve Helped U.S. Enemies

Voting to stop the arms treaty isn’t the only time Senators Cruz and Paul seem to have helped terrorists, but it’s not only their votes that are worrisome. Their respective opinions and acknowledgement of positions they’ve taken contribute, and are indicative of the type of administration they’d run if elected to the White House.

According to Sen. Graham, via RCR, Sen. Cruz:

He was one of the loudest voices objecting to going after Assad when he crossed the ‘red line,’ and he objected to helping the Free Syrian Army,” Graham said. “So he has no credibility in my eyes.”

Twelve Republicans including Senators Cruz and Paul, voted against arming the Free Syrian Army after President Bashar al-Assad gassed Syrians. Sen. Paul said that Assad gassed them didn’t matter, and we should leave Syria alone, and let President Assad keep gassing his citizens. He also thinks we shouldn’t try to stop ISIS because our interests aren’t “clear-cut.”

Fear-mongering Republicans started this supposed war on terror. Senators Cruz and Paul both know it, but still think it’s OK that more than 2,000 people on the terror have bought guns, according to Salon.

They exclaim “radical Islam” is responsible, but when it comes right down to it, it’s the fear-mongering Republicans like Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul who keep what they call “radical Islam,” ISIS, and even homegrown terror groups going.

Sure, Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul aren’t the only two advocating these positions, but they are the two running for GOP nomination for 2016. When will Senator Cruz and Paul supporters wake up and ask themselves if they are really willing to vote for someone who thinks its OK to arm ISIS, let suspected terrorists buy guns. or kill innocents?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaZGaJrd3x8]
Featured Image by Gene Skldmore via Flickr/CC by 2.0