Let The GOP Crying Begin: White Christians No Longer Majority In United States

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Well, I’m pretty sure that within the next 24 hours all we’ll be hearing from the GOP and Fox News is that white Christians are now an endangered species. We can probably also expect a raft of conspiracy theories.

What will bring about the whining, crying, and kvetching on the right? According to the National Journal, white Christians are no longer a majority of the American populace:

“Long the dom­in­ant group in Amer­ic­an re­li­gious life, White Chris­ti­ans have fallen be­low a ma­jor­ity of the U.S. pop­u­la­tion—and they are mov­ing to the right polit­ic­ally as they re­cede.”

Not all of us. But I digress. National Journal also reported:

“As the na­tion re­lent­lessly di­ver­si­fies, both in its ra­cial com­pos­i­tion and re­li­gious pref­er­ences, White Chris­ti­ans now rep­res­ent just 46 per­cent of Amer­ic­an adults, ac­cord­ing to Pew cal­cu­la­tions provided ex­clus­ively to Next Amer­ica. That’s down from a 55 per­cent ma­jor­ity as re­cently as 2007, and much high­er fig­ures through most of U.S. his­tory.”

No wonder Donald Trump wants to deport 11 million Hispanics. He must feel so threatened these days. To which I say, GOOD!

Even better is what all of this data means for the Republican Party, which, if things keep going the way they are, will be a permanent minority party by the 2024 election. How sweet is that?!

National Journal rightly spelled out the future (or lack thereof) which awaits the GOP and their moronic candidates:

“Re­pub­lic­ans face the ten­sion of bal­an­cing the mor­ally con­ser­vat­ive pref­er­ences of their re­li­giously de­vout base with the deep­en­ing in­stinct to­ward cul­tur­al tol­er­ance of a so­ci­ety that is grow­ing more sec­u­lar, par­tic­u­larly among the young.”

Yeah, and good luck with that. It cannot be done. Sure, the GOP will say they can change and adapt, but really, do you expect that to happen anytime within the next few centuries?

So what does this all mean for the near-term? You can bet the farm on lots of whining from the jerkweeds on the right and talk of how America as we know it is coming to an end. No doubt a few will even do their patented moaning about how they “want their country back.”

If they really mean that, perhaps they can build a big time machine, climb inside, and transport themselves back to say…1952. They’d be so much happier back there. And then the rest of us could get on with living in a much better nation, and with some hard work, a better world.

“You may say I’m a dreamer….” Yeah, you know the rest of the song, don’t you?