Las Vegas Nutjob Indicted For Threat To Put Obama In Wood Chipper And ‘Start WW3’

Tyrone Paul Ponthieux: Image Via WPTV

A Las Vegas man has been indicted by a federal grand jury for threatening to shoot or hang President Obama and/or members of the United States Congress.

On Wednesday, the grand jury formally indicted Tyrone Paul Ponthieux on a felony count of threatening the life of the president and on another count of threatening to assault, kidnap, and murder other unnamed federal officials.

Where did this dimbulb make his threats? On Facebook, of course, so everyone–including the Secret Service and FBI could see them.

Ponthieux’s post reads like a recitation of the greatest hits from your typical right wing nutjob:

“I think we all need to get our guns and shoot all of these out of control congressmen and senators and Obama! Any survivors, hang them, then try their dead bodies for High Treason! Then after they hang in the streets for a week, run over them then to the tree chipper to finish the job and use them for fertilizer for all of Monsantos GMO bullshit, then feed it to the Monsanto fucktards and do the process over and over and over again until they all get fucking regurgitated by this fucktard earth of ours! FUCK EVERYONE WHO SITS ON THEIR FUCKING ASSES AND DO NOTHING ABOUT OUR PRESENT SITUATION! FUCK AMERICA IN THE ASS!”

This moronic asshat also wrote:

“[W]ho has the nutts with me to start WW3 right here in Vegas, and letit pour all over this fucking globe of ours?”

Police in Las Vegas said they received a tip that Ponthieux had inquired about obtaining ammonium nitrate, a chemical fertilizer used in the bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma. A search of his home turned up no explosives.

For his part, Ponthieux told FBI agents that he posted the threats on Facebook because he was:

“Very angry and frustrated with the United States government.”

Bill Gamage, an attorney representing Ponthieux, maintains that his client had a First Amendment right to express his frustration with elected officials:

“His statements very likely will be deemed protected First Amendment speech.”

Uh…no. No, counselor, they won’t. Your client will be convicted and sentenced to federal prison. Which is as it should be.