‘It’s White Genocide’ — Racists Freak Out Over Black Star Wars Character

Is having a black main character in “Star Wars” really as bad as genocide? If so, then brace yourselves, “Star Wars” fans — the blacks are coming!

Racist “Star Wars” fans have hit Twitter to express their utter disgust and anger at casting directors. This comes after one of the lead characters in the latest installment “Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens” has been confirmed to be black.



The lead character in question is British actor John Boyega, who plays Stormtrooper Finn. In the previous trailer, Boyega was shown, but it was unclear what his role would be in the film. With the new trailer coming out, it has become clear he is in actual fact a main character, which is clearly what has ticked off all of these bigots.

This particular Twitter user claimed casting a black actor as the lead in Star Wars is “#whitegenocide.”


Yes, you read correctly. A black person being cast in “Star Wars,” a completely fictional movie, is being compared to genocide. The hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII has also been attempted to be popularized to try and gain some support to boycott the latest installment of “Star Wars.”

This whole episode harks back to the “scandalous” nature of suggestions that Idris Elba will be the next James Bond. A previous author of James Bond, Anthony Horowitz, even stated that Elba was “too street” to be Bond. “Too street” being code for “too black.” Quite why there is such an uproar against a black man playing an entirely fictional character in a fictional movie is beyond me, it really is. Why can’t we all just be like Daniel Craig, the current James Bond and not care about the color of the skin the next James Bond will have?

This nonsense also begs the question of whether these people can even call themselves fans. If you were a real “Star Wars” fan, you’d know that James Earl Jones was the voice of one of the most famous movie villains of all time, Darth Vader. Guess what color skin James Earl Jones has? BLACK. Who played Mace Windu again? If memory serves correctly, Samuel L. Jackson played him. To my knowledge, Samuel L. Jackson is also black. So what is this commotion all about? This is nothing new.

“Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens” is out December 14. Watch the trailer below.

After graduating from City University London with a degree in law, Craig is now a freelance blogger and writer. He works on his own blog that speaks on social and cultural millennial issues.