Hillary Clinton’s Epic Response To Rand Paul’s Recent Assholery


Image by Veni via flickr, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.
Image by Veni via flickr, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.

So, remember when that GOP tea partier put his foot in his mouth and said something really bigoted and asshole-ish against the LGBT community? Oh, right. It has happened so many times I should probably clarify. Not the time the GOP endorsed a Jim Crow law for LGBT Americans, or the time the homophobic GOP senator posted a nudie on Grindr.

I am referring specifically to Rand Paul’s recent statements about his refusal to prevent an employer from firing an LGBT employee for being gay. Paul kinda sorta insinuated that gay folks should stay in the closet if they don’t want to be fired:

 “I think really the things you do in your house, we could just leave those in your house and they wouldn’t have to be part of the workplace.”

But his refusal to prevent people from discriminating against LGBT individuals is okay because “if you are gay, there are plenty of places that will hire you.”

Hillary Clinton had few words for this recent foot-in-mouth blunder by the so-called “libertarian” Paul. Because her message was short and sweet, she took to Twitter:

In an awesomely self-satisfied response, the posts a GIF of herself! She is shaking her head, smiling, and saying, “No,” in response to her statement:

“The feeling when a GOP candidate says it’s acceptable to be fired for being gay.” 

It’s too bad we can’t see the diva snap her fingers and saunter off. The fact that Hillary Clinton responded so swiftly shows her ability and willingness to engage with issues at a grass-roots level. Because Paul’s statements are inane, there was no need to discuss policy, just to tell him to shut up.

Anti-LGBT discrimination in the workplace is still a big problem, with between 15 and 43 percent of LGBT individuals reporting some form of discrimination in a 2013 survey, and that number skyrockets to above 70 percent among transgender people. But that’s okay by Rand Paul, because “plenty of places” will hire them. He’s a toad, and Hillary Clinton put him in his place.