Walking The Walk – Pope Francis Opens First Homeless Shelter In The Vatican (Video)


Photo courtesy pixabay.com available under Creative Commons license

Under Pope Francis a new chapter has begun for the Catholic church and the Vatican. In the spirit of newness and forgiveness and image branding, the Vatican has opened up its own homeless shelter! In a report from The Catholic Herald: The shelter, named The Gift of Mercy, offering shelter for homeless men opened their doors on Oct. 7, just a few hundred yards away from St. Peter’s Square.

Space is limited with only 34 beds and applicants can only stay a maximum of 30 days, but it is a step in the right direction. In the morning the men are fed and allowed to use the washroom. After tidying up their space the shelter closes at 8:00 a.m. but reopens between 6-7 p.m. for scheduled check-in.

While this should open up more opportunities for education and real life training to help get these men on their feet for good, at least it will get some off the streets and provide some food, fellowship and safety. Sometimes that is all it takes to change a life for the better. When someone changes their life for the better there is no telling what they can do to put that good back into the world.

I know this measure will not seem like enough compared to the lavish lifestyle most of the church leaders lead, but it is more than some religious sects can claim. This Pope has changed the image of what a Pope should be and I hope that this shelter is just one of many to come.

Imagine what they could accomplish if they took some of that fortune and rained it down upon their followers. Could it be that Pope Francis is showing what trickle-down actually looks like? I’m sure here in America many leaders, religious and political, will either ignore these deeds or bash them for not being grand enough, but either way the Pope has made it clear: Put up or shut up!