Wedding Reception No-Shows Get Shocking Mail From Couple

Image by Chris Photography via flickr.
Image by Chris Photography via flickr, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.

Here’s something that will add some “WTF?!” to your day: Newlyweds have taken to sending bills for the wedding reception meal to guests who RSVP’d that they would attend, then didn’t show. Yes, apparently it’s a thing now.

These couples are mad as hell, and they’re not gonna take it anymore! So instead of sipping margaritas, surfing, or wandering on the beach holding hands, basking in their newlywed glory, some couples are poring over bills, RSVP lists, and wedding reception guest counts. And if your name is on the RSVP list, and not on the attendee list, watch out– you might be getting a bill for what would have been your meal.

A Minnesota woman received a bill for two herb-crusted walleye meals along with a note that said,

“This cost reflects the amount paid by the bride and groom for meals that were RSVPed for, reimbursement and explanation for no show, card, call or text would be appreciated.”

First of all, huh?

And secondly, for real, you guys?

You write this nonsense, passive-aggressive run-on sentence, then puke it onto the bottom of a bill for food that wasn’t eaten?

Now, I should clarify something: yes, it is super rude to say you’ll show up to something (especially a big, expensive thing like a wedding), then not show up to it. It seems to be happening more and more: folks click the “Attend” button on Facebook, or RSVP “Yes” assuming they’ll make it, then something happens, a dog gets sick, or their carpets need to be cleaned, and then the event host receives this text: “OMG! Was that today? So sry– can’t make it. šŸ™

I get it. It makes me rage when it happens to me. But, seriously, you gotta get over it. Sometimes real emergencies happen, and when people areĀ RSVP’ing a year in advance, theyĀ can’t anticipate every possibility. Sometimes people are justĀ terrible, and blow you off for no reason.

And that sucks. But you don’t get to send someone a bill for food they didn’t eat because you’re peeved off. Do some good with it: donate it to a new mom, or freeze it for a brown-bag lunch. Or you could kindly ask that your no-shows make a donation to charity in your name.

But enough with the self-centered whining over your wedding, please.