Right Wing Social Media ‘Patriots’ Call For President Obama To Be Hanged

Image Via Gawker

If you look in the dictionary under the word “patriot,” here’s the definition you’ll find:

“A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.”

But a group of lowlife social media scum calling themselves “patriots” has formed a group on Facebook they have entitled, “Arrest Convict and Hang Obama.” And these foul heaps of human excrement are posting some of the most vile things imaginable about our duly elected (twice!) President because they think he’s secretly a Muslim and intends to declare himself ruler for life at the end of his term in 2016:



Then they proclaim that the President has left us vulnerable to attack because he has weakened the military:


And the Muslims! My God the Muslims!


And if all this paranoid bullcrap isn’t bad enough, we have these same fake “patriots” saying the First Lady  wants to poison the minds of America’s young people:


Also part of this vast conspiracy: Billionaire financier George Soros, who is paying young people $5,000 to riot in American cities:


Granted, this stuff is laughable until you consider that there are large numbers of people who agree and support this kind of claptrap.

Other questions that we must ask in light of this Facebook group:

*Why hasn’t Facebook done away with a group advocating the murder of the President of the United States?

*Has the Secret Service and Homeland Security begun an investigation into the creators of this site? If not, why not?

*Have we really sunk to his level in America? And if the answer is yes, what can we do to reverse this decay in common human decency?