Nurturing Dad Attacked By Christian Big-Mouth Joshua Feuerstein Over Children’s Toys

Recently, two men have gone viral in videos that concern “gender appropriate toys.” Yes… gender appropriate toys. After an Ojai, California, man by the name of Mikki Willis posted a video describing how his son chose a doll over other toys on a shopping trip, self-described Christian evangelist Joshua Feuerstein took issue with it, so he posted his own response — one in which he proudly brags about teaching his children how to shoot guns.

Image From Mikki Willis Facebook Video
(Image from Mikki Willis’ Facebook video)

Joshua Feuerstein is no stranger to controversy, either. He recently declared that the “CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST HAS BEGUN” after Kim Davis was arrested for denying same-sex couples marriage licenses. This time, though, this great Christian has put the spotlight on his children, as well.

The viral videos caught so much attention that the show “The Doctors” decided to have them on. What followed was an entertaining, yet disturbing exchange between the two men. While the show played parts of both men’s videos, the show’s audience seemed to find Joshua’s video a little disturbing.

To start, Dr. Travis Stork, MD asked, “What kinds of toys should our kids be playing with?” Immediately, they played part of Mikki’s video in which he says:

“Azai here had a birthday recently and he received two presents that were exactly the same. So I said let’s go to the toy store and we’ll exchange one for something that you don’t have. And this is what he chose.”

Mikki then holds up a doll with red hair and a tiara and says:

“Now how do you think a dad feels when his son wants to get this?”

"Screen Grab From Video"
(Screen grab from video)

At this point, Azai leans forward in the shot and yells, “Yeah!” Now, I don’t know about you, but I saw nothing in the video that poses a threat to myself or society. Unfortunately, Joshua Feuerstein didn’t feel the same. So, in true over the top fashion, he replied with his own video.

In Joshua’s video, he is seen ranting in his usual manner, except this time he has his children with him. His son is on his lap with what seems to be a toy pistol, while his daughters are just out of view. He then proceeds to give his own “Christian” opinion of Mikki’s video by saying:

“Since when do kids make good choices? We live in this society that thinks that kids are supposed to make choices like that, and that we’re not supposed to choose for them, we’re supposed to let them express themselves.”

From here it gets even more ridiculous, but first, Joshua, I’m really sorry that you think so little of your kids that you believe they cannot make good choices. That’s also a parenting issue. Also, I’m pretty sure there are bigger issues in this society than kids picking their own toys and expressing themselves. And yes, we are supposed to let them express themselves. It should be encouraged, actually.

So, now that he’s on a roll, Joshua takes it a step higher by saying:

“So me, I train up a boy by teaching him how to use a firearm. Since you want to be gender neutral, guess who else I’m teaching to use a gun? My daughters.”

After his son gives a display of shooting the toy pistol, Joshua continues his attack with:

“That’s for you… guy who has no cojones. Who needs to grow a pair and be a dad and train a child, that’s gun control, a boy that knows how to properly fire a gun”.

Wow… how Christian of him. I applaud Mikki for teaching his child to express himself and not feel the need to “train” him like a monkey. Christian extremism at its finest.

Check out the video below:

Featured image via YouTube screen capture

Kristie is 22-years-old and resides in Nashville, TN. While reading is a passion, she also has a passion for writing. Reporting on social issues such as LGBT rights, racial injustices, and religious intolerance, she also has a vested interest in the current political climate in America.