Religious Nutjob: Prepare For Biblical ‘End Times’ To Start As Early As…Next Week!

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If you’ve got some big plans for October, you might want to cancel them because the world won’t be here after September. I have that on good authority. Yeah, directly from a right wing religious nutjob who thinks she can predict the end of life as we know it.

Yep, here we go again.

Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries was a guest on American Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” show earlier this week and bodly declared that the Biblical “end times” could begin as early as next week. Of course, she later said it might not happen, but best to go ahead and stock up just in case it does happen.

Markell, playing the part of false prophet, said:

“I think because there are about 25 things converging in September. I think the question is: Could all of this be coincidence? Of the 25 — and we can’t go through them all — between the Shemitah, the Jewish high holy days, the Pope’s visit, and so much more, a global government, the discussion of the United Nations at the end of September, the list goes on and on and on and on.”

Oh my gosh! I’ll be back later. Gotta go pack a bag and stock up on supplies for the Apocalypse. And yet, Markell then remarked:

“Having said that. Do we go out on a limb and start predicting end of the world type things? I think we’ve got to be really careful with that because, remember, there had been some people who have tried the date setting throughout the last 50 years or so and then those dates don’t come to pass and then Christians stand with egg on their face.”

You mean kinda like you just did? These folks never cease to amaze me. Here’s a little more of what Jan Markell said, once again going towards the idea of the end and then walking it back:

“But, on the other side of the coin. When you’ve got between 20 and 30 things converging in September…at the very least, we need to sound a warning to be prepared. But I don’t think we should go off the deep end.”

I have a piece of Scripture for Sister Markell that I want her to consider before she decides to open her mouth again and try to needlessly scare people:

“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.” (Mark 13:32)