Unfortunately, Mr. Trump, This Is My Circus And You ARE My Clown

We have to own this clown. Each and every one of us must take some small part of the ownership of this circus that has become our political system in the United States. We created this monster of an attention whore that calls himself “The Donald” and we keep feeding his addiction.

Meme found on Facebook. Origin unknown. If this is your meme, please let us know so we can properly attribute it.
Found on Facebook. Origin unknown.

Apparently people think they like his message. I hate it. His message amplifies everything that is bad about our country and none of the good things.

Mr. Trump, you are still an insufferable a$$.

What a mixed up, mashed up bundle of trash these clowns are trying to sell us – all led by Mr. Trump and his over-the-top lunacy. From Salon,

“The Republicans are talking about eliminating the birthright citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment in order to deport the children of undocumented immigrations. (Children should only be protected before they’re born, after all.) Incidentally, almost all of the top GOP candidates have joined Donald Trump in supporting this ludicrous and completely unattainable idea.”

As Mr. Trump continues to say whatever fleeting thing crosses his pea-brained mind with no semblance of self-control, the other candidates are jumping on his bandwagon no matter how outrageous his statements are. He doesn’t have a clue – and the rest are just following blindly hoping to garner some small flicker of the fringe of the enormous spotlight “The Donald” has pointed at himself.

From his rally in Alabama, Occupy Democrats had this observation regarding the crowd mentality there,

“The dark and ugly side of Donald Trump’s rampant racism was on full display as the presidential candidate made his way through Alabama. Twenty thousand people came out to show their support for the bigoted nativist, and, like their idol, they represented the worst in the American people. Many were open with sharing their racism with reporters; one man was heard to be shouting ‘WHITE POWER!'”

This IS our Circus . . .

As much as I hate to admit it, this is our circus. Through our eagerness for a ‘fix’ for all our woes, we have allowed a clown to take center stage in our political arena. He has stolen the show and is hogging the spotlight – and we are letting him. Even when we watch, glued to the screen with a face of incredulous disgust marking our features, we are promoting his campaign.

When our media is wholly focused on him and his presidential bid, while ignoring more viable and legitimate candidates, we are promoting his cause. We are saying to him that it is acceptable to behave like a whiny toddler to get attention.

This IS our Clown . . .

Mr. Trump is NOT a mature adult. His body and thinning hair be damned – he never matured beyond six years old. He is the petulant rich kid that is used to getting his own way. When he doesn’t, he just screams louder.

With a child, a caring parent would keep saying “No” and perhaps give the child a time out. Make the child sit quietly in a corner or in a room away from other people where they can think and reflect on their behavior and take corrective action.

Own the Circus – Control the Clown

It is time for us to step forward, as a nation, and take our petulant child by the hand and lead him to the time out chair. Once he calms down and stops throwing a temper tantrum, we must explain to him why he cannot be president of this great nation.

We must explain to him the things he obviously missed in elementary school, like sharing and caring. Like waiting your turn to speak. Things like saying please and thank you – and meaning it. All the simple things you learn in Kindergarten or in a normal family. Somehow these things missed their mark in Mr. Trump’s educational sphere. He was allowed to act like a spoiled toddler his entire life and was never taught how to get along with other people. We must teach him those lessons now.

We must explain to him the things he should have learned in middle school, like democracy and how voting works. We need to teach him basic civics, and lessons about working toward the greater good. We must teach him to get along with everyone, no matter their skin color or ethnic heritage, or how long their parents have been in this country.

We need to visit the basics of government and how it works that he missed during high school. Our government has checks and balances built in to keep one individual from having too much power over the masses. That means you can’t just ignore the parts of the constitution that you disagree with (like the 14th amendment). You can’t just treat people like shit and expect them to like it and worship you because you are rich.

We need to teach him that it is not OK when bullies beat some one to a pulp and say they did it because they heard your message and you were right. We need to teach him that his callous disregard for any human that doesn’t agree with him is not OK. These are lessons he should have had earlier in life.


We need to teach him that you cannot file for bankruptcy at the national level because you suck at budgets and planning and carrying out a viable business plan. You can’t just stomp your feet and start over when you screw up – you actually have to know how to solve problems with tact and diplomacy.

There are no do-overs in politics. You have to take what you are given and make the best of it – for every single citizen in the country – not just what is best for you. Mr. Trump is a danger to this country. He is a threat to our national security. If his surge in the polls continues and he somehow manages to survive the cut and become the GOP candidate of choice and he manages to get elected, it will be the ruination of the United States.

So, own the clown and teach Mr. Trump how to be a real human – not some plastic doll with a brush-on tan and spray-on hair. Take the child by the hand and lead him to the time out chair. It is time he learned a lesson.

Featured image from the awesome collection of DonkeyHotey on Flickr


