Pregnant Couple Loses Their Sh** After Seeing ‘Demon’ In Ultrasound

Image Via Reddit

Going to the doctor and seeing an ultrasound of your soon-to-be-born child is one of the happiest days of any parent’s life. Unless, of course, you’re too busy seeing demons everywhere you look.

A man and his wife recently went for a visit with their obstetrician. The doctor was going to do the newest form of ultrasound, which is called a 4D ultrasound.

To clairfy: A 3D ultrasound is more detailed than traditional ultrasounds because it creates a three dimensional image of the fetus. And a 4D ultrasound goes one step further by creating a video of that 3D image.

But when the couple saw a picture of another ultrasound that had been performed by the same doctor, they said they wanted no part of medical technology. Instead, they took a photo of the image they saw and posted it on Reddit with this message:

“Wife and I went to get a ‘4D’ ultrasound of our unborn child,. Saw this picture. Changed our minds.”

I’m sure the doctor would have been more than happy to explain why the ultrasound in question–the one with the “demon” in it–looked that way, but what’s the point in seeking more information when you can make a spectacle of yourself on the World Wide Web?

One person on Reddit commented on the photo with perfect incomprehension:

“The 4th D is for demon.”

Now I’m not trying to deny that the photo looks odd, even sinister, but was it necessary to get that worked up over it and refuse the ultrasound?

I mean, after all, if you’re about to give birth to the Antichrist, wouldn’t you want to know that in advance? I sure as hell would.