Here, In One Amazing Video, Are All The Careers Launched By ‘The Daily Show’

John Oliver: Image Via YouTube

As of Thursday evening around 11:51 pm Eastern Standard Time, we will no longer get the news from Jon Stewart, as only he can deliver it. A friend asked me the other day if I was looking forward to new host Trevor Noah and I replied:

“I want Jon to stay. Can’t he do that for all of us who need him for a nightly laugh?”

Yes, I know that’s selfish on my part, and so I wish Jon Stewart only the best in the future. Whatever he does I know he will do it superbly.

Then I ran across the video below and began to realize just how many careers have been launched by “The Daily Show.” Sure, we all know about Stephen Colbert, Steve Carrell, and John Oliver, but take a look at this “family tree” clip and you’ll be amazed by how many talented people have earned their stripes thanks to Jon Stewart.

Thanks, Jon. Thanks for everything, old friend.

Watch The Video Here