California School Board Member Faces Recall After Bizarre Anti-Vaxxer, Homophobic Rant

Andrew Cruz: Image Via YouTube

Chino, California residents are actively seeking to recall a member of the local school board after he went on a 10-minute rant which included derogatory references to school vaccinations, immigrants, and adoption rights for same-sex couples.

Andrew Cruz, a conservative Christian member of the Chino Valley Unified School District, made the comments during a meeting on July 16, saying:

“Children are not commodities that can be severed from their natural parents and traded between unrelated adults. Parenting will be defined, erasing and replacing with gender-neutral legal parent, erasing biological natural parenthood [so] that states would ignore childrens’ foremost right: their immutable, intrinsic yearning to know and be raised by their own biological parents. Gender of parents matter for the health and developments of children.”

While he had the floor, Cruz also issued a warning that soon all genders will be outlawed, and then he took a bizarre turn to the matter of Dylann Roof’s murder of 9 black church members in South Carolina, proclaiming that because South Carolina Governor is Indian and one of the U.S. Senators representing South Carolina is black means that racism doesn’t exist in America.

If that wasn’t enough, Cruz also declared that he’s against mandatory vaccines for children and that we’ve never required anyone to be vaccinated in order to get a job. (Has he never heard of pre-employment drug testing, or is he really that stupid?)

Nicole Henrikson Gockel is one of the Chino residents seeking to recall Cruz. She remarked:

“The comments he made were ridiculous and outrageous. It’s inappropriate, it promotes a very divisive environment. We want someone to put aside personal beliefs for our children”

As of Monday, a Facebook group Gockel founded had 317 members.

Watch Andrew Cruz Make His Odd Remarks