OUTRAGEOUS! Why Is This Church Still A Non-Profit?


From Facebook
From Facebook

This is an actual letter from an actual church. A church that enjoys non-profit status under our tax code. They are BILLING parishioners a monthly fee to be a member of their church.

The entire letter reads like a collection notice from a heavy-handed collection agency tasked with retrieving funds from a delinquent loan recipient who is driving around in the lap of luxury in a new car, just barely escaping the clutches of the repo man.

Starting any letter with a subject line declaring “Financial Delinquency” ought to be reserved for loan officers – not religious institutions operating under the auspices of federal non-profit laws as a 501(c)3 exempt from all taxation from the government. Where is the IRS on this?

The letter continues, reminding the member that they have agreed to pay, whether they attend or not, a set monthly fee. After three months of not paying, they are placed in delinquent status and they lose the privilege of being permitted to vote on church policy matters.

The letter ends with,

“You should make every effort to contribute the amount fully required.”

Here’s the problem with that. A contribution is defined as (emphasis mine),

“1. the act of contributing.”

“2. something contributed.”

Recognized synonyms (words that mean the same thing) are gift, donation, benefaction.”

To contribute, or contributing,?is defined as,

“to give (money, time, knowledge, assistance, etc.) to a common supply, fund, etc., as for charitable purposes.”

What part of that translates to a FEE? How can a contribution be “required?”

On the church’s unofficial?Facebook page, where this was posted, a parishioner attempts to explain away the reasoning behind this imposed fee and even declares that the church has informed members?during orientation?prior to joining.

“I am a member of Greater Mount Moriah P B Church. I love my Church and my Pastor. I know people have their opinions regarding the letter that was sent out to this young lady and put over Social Media. I don’t understand why so much negativity about paying a monthly assessment of $50.00 a month, that you already knew about. If you go to a club or a bar whatever you wish to call it every weekend, you are paying about $10 or maybe more to get in the door and then paying again for drinks. I am sure before the night is over you would have spent $50.00 or more. If you are working or on a fixed income earning $700.00 every two week or $700.00 a month that’s still paying more than $50.00 a month, but I forget someone posted that no man should tell you what you should pay. That’s just one weekend add three more weeks….that’s more than $50.00 a month. As Christians we are required to be obedient. The Bible states that you should give 10% of your earnings, it never stated it had to be money, that is what man came up with and most Churches abide by it. Everyone is commenting, saying that if you don’t pay you will not be allowed in the Church “Not True” The letter says that if you are 90 days delinquent, you will not be eligible to vote on important issues pertaining to the church. it also states that if you have a hardship to speak to your leader. I know this because I have been there. I don’t know of any church where you don’t give. The DEVIL is very busy. We are not a Church ran like a Supermarket or asking members for their W2 forms and other ugly remarks made. we are a Good Church that have been around for one hundred and twenty plus years. I am sure if anyone attends a church, there are Bylaws you are required to abide by. All this information is given during orientation. I feel if someone have a problem with this why continue orientation. Find a place that you are comfortable with and not try to degrade our church and posting negative comments. No matter what is said “WE ARE STILL STANDING STRONG””

The church seems to have no official?web presence other than routine listings in the various white pages and other business listings that glean information and process it into a database. The unofficial Facebook page has 131 “likes.” If you assume that 100 of those folks have agreed to this membership fee, the church is raking in $5,000 per month.

Plenty of non-profit organizations charge dues for membership, but they don’t send out collection notices. They might send a friendly reminder that your dues haven’t been paid, but they don’t send out notices that proclaim “Financial Delinquency.” PTAs, VFWs, Moose and Elk Clubs – they all require dues. But they don’t send out collection letters.

If I don’t show up in my church for three months, they might?send representatives out to make sure I’m OK. Or they might call to check on me. They might ask me if I would like to be on their prayer list. But they don’t send me a bill for missing church. When did it become acceptable for a church to care more about money than they do about their parishioners?