A Conservative’s Open Letter To Confederate Flag Supporters On Heritage

I’ve shared many times that my mother is a conservative. Honestly, she’s not that bad. She has no problem with gay marriage. She thinks there are plenty of gay men and women who would make better parents than some of the straight ones we have around here and in our family. She hates the name calling that conservatives and liberals BOTH do.

Basically, you could have a good discussion with her.

My mom has been very vocal lately about the Confederate flag because it is such a huge deal here in Southeast Georgia. I can proudly say she wants it taken down. Something about it just bothers her. So, tonight, she sent me this and asked me to print it. I felt I should share it with all of you mainly because we get a lot of messages about how we hate on conservatives and lump them up into one bad stereotypical group. We can, occasionally, find common ground with the other side when it comes to issues like this.

She’s asked that I sign it for her with the name Liz Booth (her very own pen name).

To the Supporters of the Confederate Flag:

FIRST & FOREMOST, I am still a card-carrying conservative Republican. I hold deeply Christian values. Now, all this means is I own SEVERAL guns, but if you break in my home, I will pray over your stupid, DYING ass while you gasp a last few ragged breaths.

As for a “Rebel flag” NO. OK? Just NO. You want to celebrate your heritage? That is super awesome! Do it in your own yard, living room window, or that most excellent display canvas above your circa 1970s waterbed. In other words, go nuts, knock yourself out. However, proudly flying the Confederate flag above any institution funded by ALL taxpayers, be it federal or state, is absurd.

As far as “heritage” is concerned? Up until three weeks ago, the only time you passed a Confederate flag was probably on the highway when you passed a convoy of motorcycles, and there was always two or three sporting their ” heritage” wrapped around their sweaty head.

Don’t get me wrong. They are as entitled as everyone else to perspire, probably more so given the fact that they are humping a certain death machine positioned snuggly against their soldiers doing 65 mph.

My point is, it is a piece of cloth that was likely manufactured in China. Come on, you didn’t really think Betsy Ross was still doing them here in the US did you? It doesn’t define anyone’s heritage So yes, decorate to your heart’s content with curtains, sheets, towels, doo rags, bikinis, thongs (I’ve long suspected some people wear their “heritage” up the crack of their ass to be pulled out at convenience). GO NUTS!

But save the indignation when your Confederate flag beach towel was crumpled up a month ago after you dried your stinking ass and weenie off with it. It’s just ridiculously laughable.