Guest Attempts to Foxplain Tragic Death Of 9 As Result Of Liberal Influence (Video)




1. A statement with no logical explanation used in an attempt to attack Liberals.

2. Self-victimization following your own errors in reporting.


Monday, ‘Fox and Friends’ host Brian Kilmeade took issue with the results of a recent study that said right-wing extremists have been deadlier than homegrown Islamic extremists on U.S. soil since 9/11, so he invited Kevin Jackson, author of the book, ‘The Big Black Lie” to the show to tell Fox News’ viewers exactly what they wanted to hear by claiming that the study was biased and calling mass murdering white supremacist Dylann Roof a leftist.

“In the case of Dylann Roof, they’ve just thrown him over in the right because he passed by a right-wing building or something. I don’t know how they define that. Dylann Roof is a product of the left-wing, he’s a product of their education system, firmly, and as much as they want to blame it on the right, as far as I’m concerned, you can look at everything he’s done and it absolutely adds up to leftism.”

As the left already knows, romanticizing the Confederacy, viewing black Americans as opponents, and stating that the Council of Conservative Citizens were instrumental in developing your ideology in your alleged manifesto are not in any way left-wing ideology.

For the past week, Fox News has been in damage control mode ever since they spent an entire weekend of reporting the tragic death of 9 people?at the historically-black Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina as an anti-religious hate crime.

At the same time, every other major media outlet reported that through Roof’s own admission and a witness account of his comments at the time of the vicious assault on his victims, his attack was racially motivated.

In typical foxplaining fashion, the trio on the Fox and Friends couch placed blame on the left for that too.