California Police Raid Marijuana Dispensary Then Eat Merchandise

There is a saying, “Integrity is what you do when no one is watching” or something like that.

Well it would seem that these police officers in Santa Ana, California never had the benefit of being exposed to that inspirational poster at their job.

On May 27, 2015, Santa Ana police raided the Sky High medical marijuana dispensary. The official explanation was that the marijuana dispensary was operating under a bad business license.

So naturally the police conduct an armed raid complete with ski masks, which is (I’m sure) standard procedure for shutting down an illegal business operating with a questionable business license. They proceed to force all the patrons on the floor (for the patron’s safety I’m sure). And?surely there was no risk of a concealed-carry citizen or a security guard mistaking the raid for a robbery. After all, they are the police.

In the video, we see the police escort the people out of the dispensary. These are very dangerous people by the way… one lady was even in a wheelchair.

After the patrons had been escorted out, the police proceeded to “investigate” the shop a bit more thoroughly. First they needed to locate all the surveillance cameras and disable them, in order to protect the “integrity” of the investigation.

Unfortunately they seemed to have missed one or two hidden cameras, oopsie.

Obviously all of that super-hard police work would give any hero an appetite. So naturally one officer decides to help himself to a little snack from the shop. He indulges in what appears to be some kind of baked good from the store.

The other officers find a dart board and decided to “investigate” that for a while, soon thereafter they are having a “high time” playing games and laughing about the raid. One police woman remarked on the dangerous disabled lady in the wheelchair, stating;

“I was about to kick her in The f***ing knob”

marijuana dispensary

Had she kicked this dangerous suspect in her her “knob” I’m sure that the police reports would have shown her justified as the old woman would have undoubtedly charged her with some kind of weapon in her hand; forcing the officer to protect herself as well as her fellow officers.

I guess it’s fortunate that the dangerous marijuana junky was in a semi-rational state of mind, sparing the younger full-bodied officer the distress of having to kick her in the “F***ing Knob.”

There is more to this story as it would seem that the Mayor of Santa Ana, Miguel Pulido, is named in a lawsuit by the Marijuana Dispensary for allegedly shaking down the business, asking it to pay $25,000 for a business license. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit allege that the mayor had the shop raided because they failed to pay his extortion.

Now folks we’ve seen and heard of some wild things hear at Liberal America. But a city official asking for bribes? That’s just a little hard to believe (total tongue in cheek… you can see that, right?).

Anyway here is a video from The Young Turks, discussing this incident.