The Last Words Of Some Very Famous People–Odd, Haunting, Funny

What happens when we die? No one can exactly tell us because no one has gone all the way and come back to tell. Please understand I’m not referring to those who have had “near death” experiences. Instead, I’m talking about those who have actually died and not returned.

Does our life flash before us as we near the end? Or do we suddenly have a great insight that allows us to see and think things never before considered?

One thing is certain: The last words of the famous people below are at times odd, haunting, and even, in a couple of cases, funny.

“No, I certainly can’t.”

Image Via Wikimedia

Nellie Connally, the wife of Texas Governor John Connally, remarked, “You certainly can’t say that the people of Dallas haven’t given you a nice welcome.” “No, I certainly can’t,” the president replied. Moments later, he was shot.

“You’re right. It’s time. I love you all.”

Image Via Wikipedia

Landon, who died of cancer in 1991, was surrounded by his wife and nine children when he passed away.

“My Florida water.”

Image Via The Guardian

Oddly, Lucille Ball asked for perfumed water shortly before she died from a ruptured aorta.

“I hope I haven’t bored you.”

Image Via The Telegraph

This is what Elvis said at his very last press conference. Since he died alone in his bathroom, no one knows if he uttered any words before he passed on.

“I finally get to see Marilyn.”

Image Via ESPN

The Yankee Clipper, Joe DiMaggio, was a class act his entire life. Before his death in 1999 of lung cancer, he was still thinking of Marilyn Monroe, who had gone before him in 1962.

“I’m going away tonight.”

Image Via Wikipedia

Before he died of heart failure in 2006, Brown uttered these words to his manager.

“I’ve had a hell of a lot of fun and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.”

Image Via Flickr

Errol Flynn died in 1956 from a heart attack. He was buried with seven bottles of whiskey, apparently thinking it would be needed wherever he was going.

“I should never have switched from Scotch to martinis.”

Image Via Journal

There’s actually some dispute what Bogey said on his way out of this world. This one is hilarious, but others say he said?”Goodbye, kid. Hurry back” to his wife, Lauren Bacall, who was about to step out of the room. Either way, he went out enigmatically.

h/t The Huffington Post