10 Totally Cool Facts About Leonardo DaVinci

Leonardo DaVinci was a man of many talents. He was a? painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. It has been suggested that he may have been the most brilliant man in the history of the world.

Yet despite what we know about the great Leonardo, here are 10 cool facts you may not know:

1. He was a vegetarian at a time when that was quite unusual

It has even been suggested that DaVinci’s unconventional diet may have contributed to him suffering from a stroke in later years.

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2. He was the first person to accurately describe why the sky is blue

It’s due to the scattering of light, as we learned in science class.

3. He was ambidextrous

Yes, he could write or draw with both hands. This is incredibly rare. He could even write forward with one hand, and backward with the other. Try that one sometime!

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4. He was dyslexic

Leonardo had great trouble reading, writing, and spelling.

Old aged paper with medical symbol of vitruvian man by Leonardo da Vinci
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5. Art experts now say that Leonardo wanted the Mona Lisa to smile with a hint of disgust

Is there a more famous smile than hers?

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6. In order to better understand human anatomy, DaVinci dissected corpses

Kinda gross, I realize. There are even reports that he had grave robbers bring bodies to him. Had he been caught, the penalty from Catholic Church could have been extreme.

7. He was an accomplished Lyre player

Is there anything this guy couldn’t do?

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8. He enjoyed buying caged birds so that he could set them free

He was an animal rights enthusiast in a time when most thought of animals as dumb and without emotions.

9. Leonardo and Michelangelo were what we would now call “frenemies”

The two men were fond of insulting one another in public.

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10. He was probably a homosexual or a lifelong celibate

In DaVinci’s day, being gay was punishable by death. We do know that he had almost no female friends, which has led some to suggest he may have been celibate his entire life.

h/t HuffingtonPost