Fox News Moron To First Lady: What Racism? You Were Hired For The Color Of Your Skin

Just when you think the gang over at Fox News cannot possibly manage to stoop any lower, they move the bar down a few more inches and start limboing to a new level of crassness.

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Today we have Angela McGlowan, a Fox News contributor and failed candidate for Congress in her home state of Mississippi, who decided she would criticize First Lady Michelle Obama for her commencement address at Tuskegee University. In her speech, the First Lady mentioned?how black people were often treated differently in stores, made to feel less intelligent, and even had their patriotism questioned.

McGlowan asserted that Mrs. Obama’s speech was inappropriate because we are not living in “regular time” of American history. She then went so far as to say that President Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder had:

?Utilized race to divide this country.?

When I saw that quote, I had to go back and read it again. The President and the Attorney General have used race to divide the country?! What in the hell is Ms. McGlowan talking about? She was kind enough to oblige me with more of her nonsense, adding:

?By saying ?we? and ?against us? is saying that there is a white oppressor, that there’s a system that’s against us. However, why didn’t the first lady share the reason why she got into Princeton was probably because of Affirmative Action??

Couldn’t have been because she had excellent grades and is brilliant, could it, Ms. McGlowan? No way that could possibly be the case.

Then McGlowan said the reason the First Lady was hired at a law firm was because she was black:

?The reason why she became an associate at a law firm was probably because of diversity, they needed a woman ? not saying that she wasn’t qualified ? but they needed a woman, and a woman of color. That’s a twofer.?

Holy cow! Sounds to me like Ms. McGlowan is mistaking her own inadequacies for those of someone she knows she could never hope to equal when it comes to intelligence, grace, charm, competence, or just plain old awesomeness.