Hilarious! Amy Schumer Responds To Birth Control Debate With Priceless Video

Amy Schumer brings the laughs?with her new Republican-approved birth control ad, although HJ Res 43?is no laughing matter in the birth control debate.

Screengrab from video via Tumblr.
Screengrab from video via Tumblr.

The video comes in response to recent Republican campaigns to limit a woman’s ability to make her own reproductive healthcare decisions, such as the Hobby Lobby decision in the Supreme Court and a Texas judge’s ruling to overturn the mandatory contraception coverage in employer-provided health insurance, which is part of the ACA.

Most recently, the House voted on H.J.Res. 43 , which Nancy Pelosi calls?”Hobby Lobby on steroids.” The bill?would overturn a new law in Washington D.C. which mandates that an employer cannot fire a female employee for decisions she makes about her reproductive health.?A Republican-controlled House proposed voting on?a “resolution of disapproval,” which is a rarely used parliamentary measure, to repeal?the law.?Raw Story explains that if?H.J.Res. 43 were to be?enacted:

“The legislation would make using employer-based health insurance for in vitro fertilization or birth control pills a fireable offense in Washington, D.C.”

Despite their insistence on limiting federal overreach and allowing states to govern without federal interference, the bill will now move to the Senate because of?the rarely levied “resolution of disapproval.” Joan Shipps, writer for Raw Story who sat in on the hearings in Congress, notes that,

“With support from 225 Republicans and 3 Democrats, the U.S. Congress moved to overturn a democratically enacted law in the District of Columbia for the first time in more than 20 years.”

Elenore Holmes Norton, Democratic Congresswoman from D.C., implored members of the House to allow the democratically voted on bill to stand. Upon hearing that the bill would move forward, Holmes?stated that Republican support of repealing the new law only proves that

“House Republicans are continuing their war on?women, especially the women of the District of Columbia.”

So remember ladies, if you’re considering which or whether birth control may be right for you, ask your doctor. Then, be sure to ask your boss, his minister, your father, husband, and brothers, and anyone else you see whether or not they approve. Most importantly, consult Republican members of Congress, because you definitely aren’t qualified to make that decision for yourself.

Watch the hilarious ad below!
