Tennessee School District Serves Students Meat Old Enough To Be A First Grader

Yet another point underlining the eerie similarities between schools and prisons: One Tennessee school district is getting national attention, Friday, after word has gotten out that some of the over 7,000 students across 18 schools in Hawkins County have been eating pork that is nearly six years old.

Yep ? SIX YEARS OLD! And according to the local chair of the Board of Education, the school district has no idea whatsoever how many students consumed the meat dating back to 2009. Michael Jackson died in 2009 ? that’s how long ago that was.

Commissioner Michael Herrell stated:

?I’m disappointed the school system let this happen. To me, if we’ve got meat that old, I don’t understand why.?

In addition to being a commissioner, Herrell is also a parent alarmed by the news after he received a tip about the meat last week. After all, that pork is so old it could be enrolled in one of Hawkins County’s schools as a first grader.

Herrell said:

?These high schoolers know when to not eat something, but elementary schoolers ? do they know if meat is bad or not??

According to Herrell, he received a picture of the meat from Joseph Rogers Primary, but states that the meat had not been served there. He does, however, believe it did get served at some of the schools. Which ones and who ate the meat at each is anybody’s guess.

Board of Education Chair Steve Starnes said:

?If you see on the USDA website, it’s safe indefinitely, just like anything, you check it.?

According to WCYB, the USDA stipulates, however, that uncooked meat shouldn’t be frozen for any more than 12 (count them) 12 months. But, you know, sometimes, if you squint, a printed 1 and 7 can look a little similar ? 12 and 72 could easily be mixed up, couldn’t they?

Starnes also mentioned that meat from 2009, 2010 and 2011 was found in the freezers of some Hawkins County schools. As a result, new guidelines are being set in place to keep the issue from reoccurring. Some of those new guidelines include something most anyone would hope the school had been doing all along ? taking inventory and dating the food’s expiration dates. Goodness! Folks will be happy to know the schools will also conduct a quarterly check on the stocked food.

Without those two protocols in place, it’s a wonder this has not happened before. How have children not been sick on the regular in this school district? If this school’s lunchroom protocols were an age in medical history, the doctor would be ashing a fat cigar in the operating room.

Starnes stated:

?We want parents to feel safe in knowing that when they send their children to school here, that we are providing them a quality food service program.?

Herrell added:

?It should be more action than just stickers to date meat when it comes in and out.?

Luckily, as of Friday, no students have reported being sick as a result of eating the six-year-old meat.


Featured image: via wcyb.com