The Perfect Response to ‘I Don’t See Color’

“I don’t see color.”

This phrase seems to have different meanings to different people. For many whites. it means that they just don’t think about a person’s race when deciding how to treat them. This attitude may seem to be the perfect answer to solving racism, but let me tell you it’s not.

I don’t believe anyone has earned the right to say they don’t see someone’s skin color; it’s just not that simple. If you are a white person who says that, let me ask you this:?who are you referring to when you say that? Are you referring to another white person? Or someone you can’t see?


Just proclaiming that you don’t see color is a cop-out. It doesn’t address systemic problems and issues many minorities face in this country; it just says “I’m exempt from the problem.”

Conversations about race related issues will be uncomfortable, because the history from which these issues originate were uncomfortable times for minorities to live in. Which would you rather have: an uncomfortable conversation about race or the uncomfortable life many minorities had and still have because of their race?

Here’s the video.