“Guns With History” Brings Perspective To Gun Buyers

First-time gun buyers go to a gun shop looking to find a weapon for protection, or maybe for target practice. Most people would think they would enter a gun store and would look at a few guns and imagine owning that gun. They think, “what will this gun do for me?” Well, a new video has turned that question around, asking, “what has this gun done to others?”

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia

The video starts by stating,

“Over 60% of Americans think owning a gun will make their lives safer…In fact, owning a gun increases the risk of homicide, suicide, and unintentional death.”

These claims are backed up by numerous statistical studies. The video then shows a brand new gun shop being set up in New York City, with the addition of just one little detail: the histories of each gun being sold in the shop. Peoples’ reactions? Well, see for yourself…

Of course this video has brought gunnuts out of the woodwork. I had a very “enlightening” conversation with one such man on Facebook after my husband posted this particular video:

“Ammosexual: Yeah this is what we call liberal propaganda to try to make gun owners look like backwards, uneducated, racists, morons. If u are a “responsible” gun owner these things don’t happen. But the truth is more people die by texting and driving, alcohol, drug related crimes 100x times over than these incidences Sensationalizing it. I don’t hear about the positive ratio about how guns save lives from ruthless aggressors. The truth is u gonna have stupid people in a population, that’s why Darwin coined the term natural selection. Yes some people will do dumb stuff with guns and that’s sad. But everyday there are hundreds of more deaths from people doing stupid stuff with cars so we should ban those? This is why our God granted and the founding fathers confirmed the second amendment to guarantee protection of the individual. You can’t legislate stupid, but that’s what freedom is about ur right to be stupid or responsible. And the consequences u have to deal with when ur not responsible. It’s not free to try to control the rights on one person because others are stupid.”

Did you catch that? “God granted…the second amendment” Unsurprisingly, the conversation quickly spiraled out of control, covering topics from abortion to welfare to communism. Here are just a few of my favorite parts:

Lottie Richard: It’s funny how many people think gun control regulation means taking away guns or banning them. Also…seriously dude? God granted the second amendment…?

Ammosexual: If u read the constitution/ Declaration of Independence our rights are endowed by our creator to pursue life, liberty and happiness, our right to defend our selves comes from our creator not government. The 2nd admendment merely confirms this right. So do some research Lottie Richard

Ammosexual: The 2nd admendment is merely and extension of our free will to defend our selves from tyrants and villains alike. Peter carried a sword I’m sure if guns were invented he would of had one. The militia act of 1791 standardized males of military age to have proper military grade equipment to defend the state under invasion, rebellion or disaster. Hence since we were founded on Christian ideals and our founding fathers recognized the right to defend ones self and family from attack much like Peter did is a Christian value. Ordained by God not the state.

Lottie Richard: So you think the only thing keeping people from killing other people is God?

Ammosexual: No but where do think morals come from

Lottie Richard: Morals come from our conscience, not from god.

Lottie Richard: Human nature. Just like you don’t see squirrels out there murdering each other, because it isn’t squirrel nature.

Ammosexual: And what do u think conscience is?

Lottie Richard: A mental faculty that has evolved over millennia to allow for the survival of our species.

Ammosexual: Then why did man ie communism murder over 160 million people when government replaced the morals of religion and replace them with the state?”

And it just went on, and on…

Seriously, for some reason I am still debating with this guy as I write this, if only for my own amusement.

The moral of the story is, I guess, that while the people in the video were moved enough by the experience to not buy a gun that day, crazies will always exist who believe everything they don’t like is “liberal propaganda,” and that everyone else is a dang communist.