Pat Robertson Says People Who Drink Or Smoke Pot Are ‘Enslaved To Vegetables’

Whenever I ?need a good laugh, I can always count on televangelist Pat Robertson to provide one. But I do believe Brother Pat has outdone himself with today’s gem. He may have even inadvertently added a new catchphrase to the English language.

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On his daily talk show entitled “The 700 Club,” Robertson said anyone who uses marijuana, cocaine, or alcohol is simply “enslaved to vegetables.” But he says it so much better than I do, so let’s take a look at this moment of unintentional humor:

?God gave you and me as human beings authority, he gave us dominion over everything on this Earth.?Over all the animals, all the snakes, all the birds, all the plants, all the vegetables.?Cocaine is the product of a vegetable, alcohol is the product of a vegetable, marijuana is a vegetable. And yet, people are enslaved to vegetables. And you were made in the image of God. God made you in his image to reign and rule with him. He gave you incredible authority.”

Yep, you read that correctly: they’re enslaved to vegetables. When I saw this, I immediately started laughing. And whenever I thought of the phrase throughout the day, I started chuckling again.

Please understand, I’m not making fun of Pat Robertson’s faith. I’m a Christian, too. But was this really the best way to express the idea that people can take control of their lives if they want to stop using drugs and alcohol? And not to get too technical, but while cocaine may come from a shrub, I do believe marijuana is a weed which is classified as an herb. Just the same, I don’t think any of us order the vegetable platter at a restaurant and expect the server to bring us a plate of coca leaves and pot buds.

Cause if they did, there’d be a five-year wait to get a reservation.

Need a good laugh? Watch this video of Pat Robertson!