Donald Trump Says His Negotiating Skills Will Solve The ISIS Problem

There is finally some good news for the world, which is increasingly worried about the growing threat posed by the terrorist group ISIS: Donald Trump is going to take care of everything with his superb negotiating skills.

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Speaking at CPAC 2015 to fellow blowhard know-nothing Sean Hannity, Trump was asked how he would deal with the issues of ISIS, and also the possibility of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons. Trump, with his usual mix of bluster and total ignorance?opined:

“With Iran, sanctions all over the place. Believe me, you can make the right deal if you have the right negotiator.?Part of the problem we have, Sean, we have people that are diplomats doing our (negotiating). They know nothing about negotiating. All they know how to do is keep their job. They know nothing about negotiating. If we had the right people, we could solve the ISIS problem and we could solve the Iran problem and a lot more quickly than you’d think.”

Which begs the question: What exactly is the Donald qualified to negotiate? A bad real estate deal that winds up leading to bankruptcy? That’s certainly something Trump has lots of experience with. Maybe he can make a TV deal with ISIS and create a show that is so bad you wonder why anyone watches it. Kinda like “The Celebrity Apprentice”.

Trump, ever the businessman playing with someone else’s money, even had a solution to any economic problems which may face the United States:

“I understand debt, I understand business better than anybody that’s ever run, in my opinion, for office. Nobody’s had the success, in business sense that I’ve had. I know how to get rid of debt? and I would do it quickly.”

Yeah, Donald, now we’re back to the multiple bankruptcies you’ve filed, which is why you of all people are not qualified to balance my checkbook, let alone control the largest economy in the world.

While he was at it, Trump once again hinted he might run for President in 2016. Which he won’t. It’s all part of the act, and this partcular act grew tiresome a long time ago.