Wingnut Televangelist Pat Robertson: Same Sex Marriage = Man-Dog Marriage

Seems like not a day passes without wacko televangelist Pat Robertson saying something so patently ridiculous that it makes you shake your head and wonder if he’s lost his mind. And now he’s comparing same-sex marriage to marriage between a man and a dog. Let the head shaking begin.

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On Robertson’s “The 700 Club” (I’ve always wondered: does the 700 refer to the number of brain cells he has in his empty head?), Brother Robertson was bemoaning the ruling of a Washington judge that a florist who refused service to a same-sex couple had violated the state’s law against discrimination. Robertson, offering his worthless opinion, called the ruling “crazy.”

But then Robertson decided he’d use his stunning way with logic and facts to declare that the ruling was just the first shot in the cultural war he’s been waging against same-sex marriage for decades:

?This is outrageous. To tell a florist that she’s got to provide flowers for a particular kind of wedding? What if somebody wanted to marry his dog? She’s got to have flowers for that? What if there’s a polygamous situation where a guy has five wives and he wants to have five ceremonies and she’s going to be forced by the law to provide them flowers? This is crazy.??

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it disturbing that Pat’s mind immediately went to a guy marrying an animal? Why is that whenever someone mentions marriage equality the right-wingers always decide to bring up image of a four-legged partner? Can you imagine what must be crawling around in their?subconscious?

It seems more than a bit unusual that florists and bakers would choose to not accept business from someone based on their sexual preference. Isn’t everyone’s money green? And how would Pat Robertson feel if he walked into a store and was told they don’t serve right wing Christian extremist bigots? Bet you’d be able to hear him scream “discrimination!” from miles away.