Wisconsin Man Uses The Rapture To Get Out Of Honey Do Chores

We’ve all procrastinated at some point in life and found reasons to delay confronting our responsibilities. But if you’re in the market for excuses, you may want to avoid citing ?the rapture? as motivation for not completing necessary home improvements. For those of you who don’t know, ?the rapture? is the Christian belief that upon the return or ?second coming? of Jesus Christ all of his followers will rise up in the air to meet him.

Joe Ravi [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Credit: Joe Ravi via Wikimedia Commons

And that’s just what one ?born again? Christian husband in Green Bay, Wisconsin is convinced is right around the corner for the human race. His concerned wife sent a query to the website, Catholicphilly.com, asking Father Kenneth Doyle whether or not Earth’s impending demise was a legitimate excuse for her husband’s reluctance to make repairs on their 30-year-old mobile home.

Something she may not have taken into consideration ?concepts such as ?the rapture? and being ?born again? are largely part of evangelical Christian doctrine and are not recognized by the Catholic Church. Father Doyle was kind enough to set her straight though. He assured the troubled wife that since the date of Christ’s (supposed) return is unknown it is probably unwise to make any plans around it.

Of course, not everyone agrees with Father Doyle. In fact, some people believe that the ?end times? are already here. According to author and televangelist Dr. David Jeremiah, the end times officially began all the way back in 1948 with the re-establishment of Israel as an independent state.

It seems Greg Laurie, the pastor and author well known for his Harvest Crusade outreach, would agree that the ?end times? are well underway. But the reason he cites is a completely unrelated one. He believes the United State’s descent from its long held position as a world superpower ?is surely a sign that “the rapture” is right around the corner.

This may come as a surprise, but the belief that the world as we know it will eventually come to an end is not limited to the religious community. Scientists at the Future of Humanity Institute, a research department at Oxford University, are committed to investigating potential factors that may contribute to humanity’s demise.

It seems that the only thing we do know for sure is that we don’t know anything for sure. So you might as well get started on that list of home repairs.