Woman Tells Grim Story Of Being Sexually Assaulted 300 Times By Her Husband


Sarah Tetley is now describing her experiences with her husband Charlie, and the horrific details are almost too much to hear.

courtesy of www.latest.com
courtesy of www.latest.com

She met her husband when she was 18 and he promised to take care of her. However, Sarah says that things changed after she became pregnant. He definitely didn’t want a boy because they were “disgusting” to him. He also threatened to leave her if she did not lose weight. But things really started to go downhill in November of 2013. Sarah says that she woke up drowsy and realized that her husband was molesting her in her sleep. She pretended to be asleep but later knew that something just was not right.

Sarah decided to contact the police and they investigated Charlie including his personal computer. What they found was shocking beyond belief. Her husband had been raping her frequently and video taping it.

Police told Sarah that there were about 316 videos total of Charlie assaulting Sarah. She states that they couldn’t even believe how horrible the videos were. Sarah watched 16 of the videos and said in some of them “it looked like I was dead.” Charlie was also allegedly using household objects extremely inappropriately in the videos as well. With these horrors coming to light, Mr. Tetley was charged with 26 counts of rape and assault, to which he pled guilty. Charlie received 12 years in prison for these disturbing and violent attacks.

Sarah said she has been greatly affected psychologically and emotionally due to these events and she urges people to get help if they are in similar situations. Of course, some people I have seen, cannot understand how someone could be raped that often and not realize it? Well, I am not an expert on assault or sleeping patterns, but this victim blaming has to stop.

Why do we focus on the victim and what they could have done differently instead of only focusing on the egregious monsters who perpetrate such acts? Also, how can someone only get 12 years for this? I mean, repeated acts of rape and videotaping them seems beyond abhorrent. But like I have been saying for years, sexual assault and violence are not really taken that seriously in a lot of countries, even those that pretend to have a good moral compass. How many years do you think Charlie should have received?





I was born on January 13, 1990. I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. I moved up north and attended the University of CT from 2008 to 2012. I currently also work at a law firm in Uptown Charlotte and have been helping with this organization entitled the National Independent Voter Coalition. My interests include: Politics (obviously), Basketball (playing and watching) and watching almost any sport, movies, reading, the law, human rights, entertainment, mostly Angelina Jolie and Beyonce. I am fun, caring, passionate, intelligent, and unique!