Conservative Jerk Erick Erickson Compares LGBT/Allies To Terrorist Murderers


In typical conservative fashion, a prominent figure in right wing politics has made an outlandish comparison.

On his radio show, Erick Erickson compared the firing of Atlanta’s fire chief to the egregious shooting that just occurred a couple of days ago in Paris, France. Why did he do such a thing? Not that there is any sane comparison, but here is his explanation.

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He described a vague occurrence of someone publishing something that was offensive. He said the word “terrorists” numerous times and stated that they needed to “destroy” this person and to make it a public event so that anyone who thought similar views would think twice before publishing something as well. He makes sure to say:

“it is not because the ideas are bad, but because the ideas offend a group that can destroy and tear down.”

At the end of his rant, Erickson said he was referring to the incident in Atlanta surrounding the?fire chief being let go over his opinions, NOT the attacks in Paris. He said that “the terrorists won in Atlanta.”

Mayor Reed of Atlanta, a Democrat, said that Chief Cochran was fired because his self-published book condemning homosexuality would create an unwelcoming work environment for LGBT people and allies. Erickson dismissed these comments and still thinks that this is a public display from?a seemingly powerful group who will do whatever it takes to destroy anyone who opposes them.

Let me say a few words about Mr. Erickson and this entire situation. First, there is no comparison to be made here. The firing of someone from a job is completely non-equatable to 12 people working in journalism, being shot and killed. It seems that Conservatives forget, (mostly when those who are similar to them in thinking are fired), that the Constitution does not guarantee you a right to a job. Some maybe wish it did! But for a segment of the population which seems so intent on the government doing as little as possible to help people, it is preposterous that they are always in an uproar when people are fired or punished like Don Imus, The Duck Dynasty Family, etc.

The fire chief in this case does not have a right to a job. Considering the public nature of his job, one should not expect to be a bigot and to remain in a public service position. Would Erickson and others support an overt racist being the fire chief? Or public schools superintendent? I mean, maybe some would, but I doubt Erickson would go on national television and espouse such views. So why is it different when it comes to homosexuality? Why should demeaning views about real people and constituents be tolerated?

Let us remind ourselves that Cochran is not being thrown in jail and he can still make money off of his book if people are willing to buy it. Cochran is not a victim of terrorism here. And to try and equate this to the horrid acts in Paris is just irresponsible and downright disgusting.

I also take issue with Erickson’s notions that somehow the LGBT and ally communities are SO powerful. Really??Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court case?which essentially made same-sex intimate encounters legal nationally, only happened in 2003. A previous (recent) case had ruled that sodomy was illegal. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, a discriminatory policy of the United States government and armed forces, only ended in 2010. Of course it was codified in the 1990’s, but the fact that it was a law to begin with says a lot. And there is still NO federal laws protecting LGBT people from workplace discrimination, nor is there a federal law allowing every same-sex relationship the right to marry.

So what power does this community have, especially in comparison to the straight community which has?WAY?more members numerically, and more power socio-economically and politically? This type of rhetoric is just conservative nonsense. I do not know if Erickson actually believes his comments/thinks they should be uttered from the mouth of a rational person, or if he is just desperate to rile up his ignorant listeners and those that get their news from FOX. Either way, these comments are reprehensible. Sadly though, I do not think Erickson is alone in this thinking, which says a lot for the United States in 2015.


I was born on January 13, 1990. I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. I moved up north and attended the University of CT from 2008 to 2012. I currently also work at a law firm in Uptown Charlotte and have been helping with this organization entitled the National Independent Voter Coalition. My interests include: Politics (obviously), Basketball (playing and watching) and watching almost any sport, movies, reading, the law, human rights, entertainment, mostly Angelina Jolie and Beyonce. I am fun, caring, passionate, intelligent, and unique!